AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

4 April 2023

5:16:42 AM

Iran Cultural Center, Uganda Islamic Radio sign MoU on cultural cooperation

The Iranian Cultural Center in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African country’s Bilal Islamic Radio on cooperation in cultural fields.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Iranian Cultural Center in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African country’s Bilal Islamic Radio on cooperation in cultural fields.

Abdollah Abbasi, the Iranian Cultural Attaché, and Faruq Walumanga, director of the radio station, signed the document during a meeting at the center, the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) reported.

Abbasi said during the meeting that the two sides had good cooperation before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and now that the pandemic has subsided, they can elevate the level of collaborations again.

He further referred to the propaganda campaign against Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran by the West and underlined the role of the media in raising awareness among the pubic and preventing the distortion of facts.

Walumanga, for his part, expressed hope that cultural cooperation would be boosted between the radio station and the Iranian center.

He also stressed the need for disseminating information and news while observing truthfulness and Islamic rights.

According to the MoU, the Iranian Culture Center will produce programs, including a weekly program titled “Peace in One View”, which will be broadcast on the country’s Bilal Islamic Radio.

Uganda is a Christian-majority country in central Africa. Some 13 percent of the country’s population is Muslim.


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