AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

13 February 2023

8:29:00 AM

Islamic Revolution anniv. rallies: Iranians strike last nail in coffin of foes - Report

This year’s rallies were held in hundreds of cities and villages while in the past four months the Western media empire, fueling the riots day and night with a heavy propaganda campaign, has been sending fake and reverse reports to the world from Iran.

The Islamic Revolution anniversary rallies in Iran, officially called 22nd Bahman Rallies, were held this year in an atmosphere different from past years, with revolutionary people of Iran creating a new graceful page in defense of their Islamic Revolution. 

This year’s rallies were held in hundreds of cities and villages while in the past four months the Western media empire, fueling the riots day and night with a heavy propaganda campaign, has been sending fake and reverse reports to the world from Iran. 

Making allegations against the Islamic Republic and claiming abuses of Iranian people, Saudi and British media aspired to draw a serious international community action against Tehran. They, meanwhile, scored some gains and sanctions were imposed by the US and Europe on Iran’s security institutions and officials under the ruse of crackdown on the rioters. However, these gains were too short-living to celebrate and soon Iranian nation undid them in 22nd Bahman Rallies. 

Given these facts, all world eyes were on Saturday rallies to see if the boisterous media propaganda has managed to crack the unity between the government and the people of Iran. But, as ever, people felt the dangers of the Western-hatched plot and took action to neutralize them by joining the rallies in millions. 

People take action in a sensitive juncture 

In recent months, the country was experiencing a critical moment in its history, and perhaps it had not faced such a situation in the past 44 years, and, therefore, needed national unity to take the last shot at the enemy and force it back. The anniversary marches once again displayed Iran’s national unity. The Iranians have always taken action at pivotal times when the enemy intended to abuse internal insecurity to its advantage and this year, too, they blocked the US and its allies from determining their fate. The people created another epic with their presence in Saturday rallies, which were even more magnificent than the those of the initial years of the revolution. 

Although the Western plot over the past months was not the first one and will not be the last, what is obvious is that all of the US and its allies’ schemes have met their failure so far and proved the White House is unable to implement its anti-Iranian plots. As a proof to this claim, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton in an annual conference arranged by the terrorist Mujaheddin Khalgh Organization (MKO) in France asserted that Islamic Republic will not see its 40th anniversary, but this year and on the 44th anniversary people made it clear once again that they stand on the revolution’s ideals and they are loyal to the Islamic Republic to the last straw even if the economic pressures bite harder. The contents of some posters that the marchers carried clearly showed that the sanctions and media propaganda not only did not divide the government and people, but also made them more determined to continue their path. 

On Friday night, Western foes of Iran and anti-revolution forces were busy planning for the so-called post-Islamic Republic period and expected this year’s rallies to be less enthusiastic than before, but they were frustrated and popular turnout in millions wreaked their unwise plans. 

A strong punch to foreign-based anti-revolution forces 

Fueling the riots and calling for people to take to the streets, the Western media and leaders in recent months pretended that the Islamic Republic is at its end and will collapse by its victory anniversary. Even the only survivor of the Pahlavis, Reza Pahlavi, who was daydreaming ascending the long-abolished throne, warned the security forces and political officials that they need to go their separate ways from the Islamic Republic because in the so-called post-revolution period there would be no place for the pro-Islamic Republic people. Showing vision and loyalty to their government, people demonstrated that these claims are just driven by illusion of the opposition forces abroad whose dreams are coming true only online and not in reality and on the ground. 

Although American and the European leaders and their media outlets tried to keep the fire of riots burning to topple the Islamic Republic as they aspired, turnout of some 21 millions Iranians, some of whom even said that they joined the rallies for the first time to help neutralize the Western conspiracies, was a frustration to the West and issued a warning that the Western countries should not be fooled by London-based fake news channels like Iran International and BBC Persian service and weight up the situation inside Iran and the people-government relations before any action against the Islamic Republic. 

Afraid of a strong Iran, Washington and its allies mobilized and supported separatist groups and (MKO terrorist cult to partition Iran and so remove the main obstacle ahead of realization of their grave schemes in the region. But their conspiracy went nowhere and people gave them a strong response by renewing their allegiance to Imam Khomeini’s ideals and the Islamic Revolution. 

People once again responded affirmatively to the call by the Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei by their massive rallies, declaring that they back the Islamic Revolution and Islamic Republic. Actually, they showed that they can tell right from wrong and would not be fooled by West’s fake human rights claims that are aimed at sowing division between the people and the Islamic Republic system.
