Salman al-Farsi
Salman’s Mother
Salman’s Father
Caravan Leader
Jewish Man
Slave Master
Voice of Prophet
Companion of the Prophet
Suggested scenery:
Scene 1: Mock-up of Masjid al-Nabawi
Scene 2: Persian fire temple consisting of two colums and an ornamental basin filled with fake fire atop a pedestal
Scene 3: Desert with palm trees and a mock-up of Masjid al-Nabawi for the latter part of the scene
Suggested props:
2 baskets of dates
Gold coins
Narrator: Welcome to The Story of Salman al-Farsi. This play gives an idea of what might have happened to the famous Companion of the Prophet (s), Salman al-Farsi, as he traveled from his birthplace in Persia to find faith. Although it is based on a true story, it is meant to be an idea of what might have happened and is not to be taken has historical fact. We begin in the Holy City of Madinah in the Mosque of the Prophet…
(Qurayshi and Tamimi are sitting and pointing at Salman and whispering. Salman is praying and reading du’a by himself)
Qurayshi: (stage whisper) Where’s HE from?
Tamimi: (pointing) Salman?
Qurayshi: Yeah, I always see him around the Prophet. Or else here, at the mosque.
Tamimi: The Prophet said that Salman is like one of his own family.
Qurayshi: Impossible! Look at him. He’s Persian. Our Prophet is an Arab. I wonder why the Prophet likes him so much. I wonder how he got to Madinah in the first place.
Tamimi: We’ll find out. (Gets up) (Still whispering) Ask me where I’m from.
Qurayshi: But I already know where you’re from.
Tamimi: Just ASK me.
Qurayshi: Ok, so, um… anyway… (loudly) Brother, where are you from?
Tamimi: I am from the great tribe of Tamim.
Qurayshi: Um, yes, excellent, Tamim!
Tamimi: Where are YOU from?
Qurayshi: I come from the great tribe of Quraysh.
Tamimi: Mashallah, excellent, the tribe of the Prophet.
(They look at Salman pointedly)
Tamimi: Brother Salman, where are YOU from?
Qurayshi: What’s your tribe?
Tamimi: Do you have a tribe?
Qurayshi: It’s OK if you don’t have a tribe.
Tamimi: Not everyone has a tribe.
Qurayshi: Yes they do.
Tamimi: No they don’t.
Qurayshi: Yes they do.
Tamimi. No they DON’T.
Qurayshi: Yes they DO.
Tamimi: No they-
Salman: You were correct when you said I was from Persia.
Tamimi: (whispering to Qurayshi) You talk too loud!
Salman: My name was not always Salman. The Prophet gave me that name. I am the son of Islam. I was lost, and Allah guided me through Muhammad. I was poor, and Allah enriched me through Muhammad. I was a slave, and Allah freed me through Muhammad. Brothers, Islam is my tribe, and I am grateful and honored to be a part of it.
Qurayshi: That’s amazing.
Tamimi: How did that happen?
Salman: I will tell you my story…
Salman’s Mother: Wake up! It’s your first day to watch over the temple!
(Salman comes on rubbing his eyes)
Mother: You’re so grown up now. I remember when you used to be a little boy. Now, it’s time for you to walk in your father’s footsteps. You will make all of Persia proud!
Father: It’s time to go to the temple, son. (They walk over to the fire temple) You have a sacred responsibility, the same responsibility that your ancestors had. You must guard the divine fire at all times and prevent it from going out, for it is this fire that we worship.
Salman: Father, why do we worship the fire?
Father: The fire is pure and purifies all things, just like God. This is why it must never be allowed to be extinguished.
Salman: I see. (Even though he doesn’t)
Father: Your task is very important. Do not fail in your duty.
Salman: I will not, Father. I will watch over it very carefully.
(Father leaves)
Salman: I respect my father greatly. He is a wise and knowledgeable man. Everyone in our village comes to our house and asks him questions. I don’t think he could ever be wrong about anything. But I don’t see how this fire can be God. This fire will die without me, but God is eternal. This fire needs me to feed it, but God needs nothing from me.
(Monk enters)
Salman: Peace, friend! Who are you, and where are you going?
Monk: I am a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am leaving Persia to return to our church.
Salman: What’s a “church”?
Monk: The church is where we worship our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God.
Salman: You mean you don’t worship the fire like us?
Monk: No. Our Lord Jesus has saved us from the worship of idols.
Salman: I want to learn more about your Lord. Let me come with you.
Monk: You are most welcome. It is my duty to spread the message of Jesus.
Salman: Wait one second. (Goes over to parents) Father, Mother, I am very grateful for you for everything you have done for me. But, inside my heart, I still doubt the God of the Fire. I need to go away so I can seek the truth and become certain of my faith.
Father: Serving the temple was the honor of your ancestors, son. I raised you to carry on their tradition. You have disappointed me.
Salman: I am sorry, father. But I cannot serve the temple when I do not believe.
Father: Leave us now.
Mother: Come back soon.
(Monk and Salman walk off)
(Salman and Monk are sitting in house and praying Christian-style)
Monk: You have learned well. I have nothing left to teach you.
Salman: I can never repay your kindness in letting me stay here with you and learn from you. But still… my heart tells me that something is missing.
Monk: It is possible. (coughs) My dear boy, my time has come. I am about to leave this world. Let me leave you with one last secret.
Salman: What?
Monk: In our Book, it is said that another Prophet will arise.
Salman: Another Prophet!
Monk: A final Prophet. He will revive the religion of Abraham, and he will come the land where date palms grow.
Salman: Date palms… trees full of dates. How will I know it is him?
Monk: He will bear two signs. First, he will refuse charity but accept gifts.
Salman: And second?
Monk: He will bear the mark of prophecy between his shoulders.
Salman: Tell me where these date palms are so I can find him!
Monk: To be honest, I do not know exactly where they are. But fear not. God will guide you. You have pure faith. (coughs) Let me rest now. Go, and seek what you are looking for.
(Salman rises and goes off. Caravan Leader comes onstage)
Salman: Greetings, brother.
Caravan Leader: Greetings.
Salman: You have so many camels! Are they all part of your caravan?
Caravan: Yes – camels, goods, spices, cloth – you name it, we have it.
Salman: Where are you heading?
Caravan: Arabia.
Salman: Is that where date palms grow?
Caravan: I take it you’ve never been there.
Salman: I’m trying to get there. Can I take passage with you?
Caravan: Of course… however, nothing comes free in the desert.
(Salman hands over some money)
Caravan: The desert is a very harsh land.
(Salman hands over some more money)
Caravan: You can go for days without finding any water in the desert.
Salman: That’s all I have.
Caravan: All right. Let’s go. We have a long way to travel.
(Caravan leader walks in front, and Salman follows behind. They walk… and walk… and walk)
Salman: (wiping forehead) It’s so hot here. I feel like the sand is burning all of my insides. I’m so glad I didn’t try to cross through here alone. (jumps aside) A scorpion! (keeps walking)
Caravan: Stay alert, the desert is a dangerous place for unwary travelers.
(They keep walking. Caravan leader moves behind Salman and, suddenly, grabs his hands and ties them)
Salman: Hey!
Caravan: You fool! Did you think we would take care of you in the middle of the desert where no one can see what we can do?
Salman: But I paid you. This isn’t right.
Caravan: We’ll make much more off of you than that paltry sum you gave us when we sell you as a SLAVE!
Salman: Don’t you fear God?
Caravan: God? Where is God in this gigantic desert? (Laughs some more and drags Salman to the slave market)
Jewish man: How much is he?
Salman: I’m not a slave!
Caravan: (kicks Salman) Quiet! He’s very valuable. He’s strong, healthy, a fine worker.
Jewish man: (to Salman) Open your mouth.
(Leader kicks Salman again, and Salman opens his mouth. Jewish man examines his teeth)
Jewish man: His teeth look good. He’s been well fed. (Picks up Salman’s hands) He doesn’t bear the signs of hard work.
Caravan: He’s still young. I don’t have all day here. We have a lot of people down south who would pay good money for a strong worker like him.
Jewish man: All right. Name your price. (They whisper, and the Jewish man takes Salman)
Jewish man: You’ll be working on my farm.
Salman: (eagerly) Do you farm dates?
Jewish man: Dates? No.
Salman: That’s too bad. (They walk) Can I ask you a question?
Jewish man: You speak when you are spoken to. (They walk some more) All right,what is it?
Salman: What is your faith?
Jewish man: We believe in God.
Salman: You mean the God of the Fire?
Jewish man: No. Our ancestors shunned that belief.
Salman: Then you worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jewish man: No, we do not believe in him either. We believe in God alone. We follow the teachings of Moses.
Salman: (hopefully) Do you have a Prophet alive today?
Jewish man: (wistfully) No, all of our Prophets died long ago.
Salman: Perhaps a new one will come.
Jewish man: It is said it will happen. But I really don’t think it will. It’s ok. We are content with our ancient teachings and rituals. We have the great temple in Jerusalem. We believe that God chose us as His chosen people. What honor could be higher than that?
Salman: What if you are not one of His chosen people? Can you still believe?
Jewish man: Don’t ask hard questions.
(They arrive, and Jewish man hands Salman a shovel)
Jewish man: Prepare the ground. You’ll have to sow it soon.
(Salman begins working.)
Jewish man: Not like that, like that! You act like you’ve never worked on a farm before! (demonstrates)
Salman: (to himself) My hands are killing me. (Pauses a second)
Jewish man: Keep working! What did I buy, a temple scribe?
(Salman resumes working. New Slave Master enters)
Master: (to Jewish man) I need a good, strong, hardy man to work my date plantations. Is he for sale?
Salman: (to himself) Dates!
Jewish man: I’d hate to part with him. He’s not only strong but honest and reliable. One