AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iqna News

10 December 2022

10:54:45 AM

Signs of Hazrat Mahdi’s government

One of the main features of the government of Hazrat Mahdi (May God Hasten his Advent) is that justice will be established everywhere.

AhlulBayt News Agency: One of the main features of the government of Hazrat Mahdi (May God Hasten his Advent) is that justice will be established everywhere.

The anomalies in the world community are among the reasons that have delayed the start of the just rule of Imam Mahdi (AS) but he has a complete reform plan to deal with these anomalies.

Of course, his companions and true followers also have the possibility to stand against these anomalies as they can restore and revive society and pave the ground for his return.

In the next stage, Imam Mahdi will implement a complete law based on the daily needs of the society that responds to the individual and social rights of all people and the formation of a just system.

One of the signs of the society formed by Hazrat Mahdi is that all people have enough individual and social rights and no one can destroy or ignore the rights of others.

Another characteristic of his rule is that all people engage in actions aimed at improving moral growth which leads to the creation of a better life for themselves and other members of society.

Preparing the people of the society for the formation of these conditions and achieving the best human qualities requires the presence of a capable leader to establish justice in the world, and only one person has the power to carry out this revolution.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) introduced Hazrat Mahdi as the only leader who has the ability to lead this divine movement due to his familiarity with all the sciences.

According to the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Imam Mahdi sets no conditions to guide people and be kind to them and he has no other goal than receiving God’s consent for the formation of a just society.

Another important factor that is effective in creating an ideal religious society is the presence of people who are known as companions of Imam Mahdi. The formation of an ideal religious society depends on the preparation of these people because they have proven in practice that they have no other concern than the creation of such a society and strive to reach that.

These companions have several characteristics, including that they have sufficient knowledge of the intentions and goals of the Imam and avoid opposing his guidance and plans.

Worshiping God and following religious orders, self-sacrifice, patience, empathy with others, courage, and acceptance of the Imamate are other characteristics of the companions of Hazrat Mahdi.

These companions only think about the goal of forming an ideal religious society for humans and shielding society from bad words and deeds.
