AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

11 May 2022

4:51:46 AM

Analysis: Fearing Palestinian response, Israelis see days of hit, run gone

The recent blows the Israelis received from the Palestinian resistance groups through the operations deep into the occupied territories have caused a crisis to Bennett-led coalition in the parliament and triggered massive protests by the Israeli settlers at the performance of the security forces.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The recent blows the Israelis received from the Palestinian resistance groups through the operations deep into the occupied territories have caused a crisis to Bennett-led coalition in the parliament and triggered massive protests by the Israeli settlers at the performance of the security forces. 

Hundreds of Israeli settlers on Saturday protested growing Palestinian attacks on Tel Aviv suburbs. 

According to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, they threw stones at police vehicles and chanted "death to the Arabs" at the same time. The protesters clashed with police as they tried to block the street. Police reportedly arrested three protesters. 

The settlers also gathered outside Prime Minister Neftali Bennett’s house in Ra'anana settlement and chanted slogans against him. They called his government "incompetent" and unable to secure life of the residents and asked him to resign. 

Bennett escape forward, struggle for breaking the collapse spell 

The Israeli situation is so critical that even the ex-PM Ehud Barak who is a distinguished political figure of the Israeli regime at a meeting of fellow politicians confirmed that Israel collapse is possible. 

Also, in an article published by the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Barak said “throughout the Jewish history, the Jews did not rule for more than eighty years, except in the two kingdoms of David and the Hasmonean dynasty, and in both periods, their disintegration began in the eighth decade," adding: "The experience of the current Israeli cabinet is the third, and it is now in its eighth decade, and we fear that the curse of the eighth decade will fall on it as it did before." 

In the meantime, to steer clear of the consequences, the cabinet seems to be resorting to a policy of escaping forward. 

An Israeli official has said that Tel Aviv told the US of its intention to build new settlement units in the occupied West Bank, and that Tel Aviv’s shaky coalition cabinet will collapse if no new housing units are built in the area.

Earlier, the media reported that the Israeli regime intends to approve a plan to build about 4,000 new houses in the occupied West Bank. 

The illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories, which are a clear example of the continuation of the occupation policy and the forced displacement of original residents and are explicitly condemned by the international community, during the 13-year premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu have been the main source of tensions with the Palestinians. This approach was endorsed during the election campaign by Bennett. However, he declined to advance the settlement plans for the fear of rocket attacks by Palestinian resistance forces. 

Now bringing this policy to surface after rejection of all Palestine complaints by the Israeli courts shows that the government is seeking to appease the hard-liners and alleviate the pressures on the cabinet. 

Bennett's cabinet has also explicitly spoken of plotting to assassinate leaders of Islamic resistance groups in Gaza in a show of strength to the domestic opposition, which includes mainly the far right and Netanyahu's supporters. The assassination proposal was originally raised by Netanyahu to put more pressure on Bennett's shaky cabinet and crack the fragile ruling coalition in the Knesset. 

Netanyahu on Friday implicitly had called for a resumption of the assassination of resistance leaders, recalling his orders to assassinate some resistance figures, such as Ahmad al-Jabri, commander of Hamas's military wing, and Abu al-Atta, a prominent Islamic Jihad commander. 

Threats lasting only a few hours 

While the Israeli leaders threatened to assassinate Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a bid to restore confidence and frighten the Gaza-based resistance groups, a few hours later they retreated from their threat after reciprocal threats from Palestinian resistance. 

Abu Ubaida, the spokesman to the Hamas's military wing Qassam Brigades warned that any harm to Sinwar or any other resistance leader will unleash "a quake unprecedented to the region." 

According to Palestinian sources, the resistance groups have also informed the mediators that the return of the policy of Israeli assassination means the return of Palestinian suicide operations in the cities of the occupied territories. 

Moreover, the threats of response to Tel Aviv are not just triggered by Israeli threats to Gaza but also the settlement construction is turning into a red line for the resistance forces in the West Bank. 

But more than the strong responses from the resistance groups, what frightens the Israeli leaders the most when they consider assassination policy is the influence of this approach on expansion of resistance across the Palestinian territories. 

Certainly, the rise of the current resistance leaders in Gaza took place against the backdrop of Israeli crimes and assassination campaigns. So, the more Israeli regime commits crimes, the braver resistance leaders rise.

This is a reality mentioned by Iran's Leader Sayed Ali Khamenei in reaction to assassination of Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin in 2004. The Leader asserted: "What they took with this crime from Palestinian people and the Sheikh was weak and ill body but they cannot take from Palestine his thought and the line he drew and the path he showed. The Sheikh's soul is alive and his lessons, which were made more lasting and distinguished, would be the chant of the future Palestinian generations. The criminals should know that their silly saber-rattling is the biggest witness to their weakness and defeat, and the usurping regime and the fake Zionist state is doomed to disappear."
