AhlulBayt News Agency

source : My London

19 April 2022

9:07:44 AM

Ramadan life of Londoner Catholic woman who became Muslim

A white woman who grew up Catholic and became a Muslim in her 30s says wearing a headscarf in South London has led to ignorant comments from people who don't understand how she could have made the decision to join the religion. Sarah Mcgirr, 52, a Money Mindset Coach has been taking part in Ramadan since 2007 when she, as she puts it, "returned to Islam".

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A white woman who grew up Catholic and became a Muslim in her 30s says wearing a headscarf in South London has led to ignorant comments from people who don't understand how she could have made the decision to join the religion. Sarah Mcgirr, 52, a Money Mindset Coach has been taking part in Ramadan since 2007 when she, as she puts it, "returned to Islam".

Sarah grew up in a Catholic household but wasn't a practising Catholic in 2007 when she decided to practice Islam. After a trip to Egypt and seeing the way people who were practising Muslims lived, Sarah was inspired by what she saw.

Speaking to MyLondon, she said: "While I was in Egypt, I was amazed by the simplicity of the religion. I wasn't looking for religion at the time but I felt inspired by what I saw. After looking into it and realising that the Quran remains largely unchanged throughout centuries, I thought there must be something right about it."

Sarah became a Muslim in her late thirties so it was a surprise for those closest to her. Her family and friends questioned her but in curious ways, and Sarah was happy to answer. Her social circles changed due to her faith; going to bars and drinking wasn't part of her plans, as now, she was having coffee dates.

But when it comes to being out and about in South London, strangers often stare and ask ignorant questions. When Sarah started wearing her headscarf, she says this is when attitudes towards her changed. The headscarf became an outward sign of her new faith and this led to a lot of staring from curious passers-by and colleagues.

She said: "When it comes to British people, they won't say anything to your face but will say something the second you turn the corner. The typical questions I'd get from other Muslim people would be 'where is your husband from?' or 'where are you from?' People wouldn't believe that I was British when I'd tell them I was from here and Muslim. With white British people, it sometimes feels like they are scared to offend me if they ask but I wouldn't mind if they did.

"I do sometimes feel the questions aren't coming with malice but from a place of curiosity. It's just frustrating for me when my daughters have to experience it along with me. It hurts me because they will be at school and kids will say things like 'why does your mum wear that rag on her head?' I start thinking 'is my decision starting to weigh down on my kids?'"

Sarah deals with questions like 'do you wear the headscarf indoors?' or 'what colour is your hair?' on a regular basis. However, the way she sees it is that many people aren't well-informed and get most of their information through social media and news channels, which can sometimes skew how Muslims are seen.

As many Muslims will have felt, when they see news of a terrorist attack, they expect to see 'Muslim' attached to it. The negative connotations and perspectives of Muslims are something Sarah says she knows are coming but it makes her disappointed because it's a completely inaccurate view.

In the wake of Lee Rigby's death, Sarah and her husband were advised not to leave their house because of the fears of being attacked. Even though Sarah and her husband had done nothing wrong, leaders in her community were advising her to stay in and only to go out if absolutely necessary.

She said: "When you see Islam being lived out, it's nothing like the headlines. If there’s a terrorist attack, you know what's coming. You have people phoning radio stations saying why aren’t Muslim people apologising for this but sadly, that's the expectation of some people."

As Sarah is in the midst of Ramadan and fasting, she takes this time to reflect. Even though it may seem that Sarah is the poster child for white Muslim women in London, she knows there are many of them out there. They just might not be as visible as her due to the fact Sarah wears a headscarf.

"The first few Ramadans for me were tough to get used to. As it changes every year, the ones in winter I thought were hard but the ones in summer, when the days are longer, those are the tough ones. Once you find your rhythm, you get used to it. Even though fasting is hard, Ramadan is more about a spiritual reboot.
