AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

12 April 2022

4:21:43 AM

Analysis: Contrary to Western blackening campaign, Iran continues to admit afghan refugees in unmatched numbers

Today, the challenge of the refugees is, no doubt, one of the biggest challenges of the human society, requiring the international community's efforts for a solution.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Today, the challenge of the refugees is, no doubt, one of the biggest challenges of the human society, requiring the international community's efforts for a solution. 

The states in Asia and Africa for their various crises including war, insecurity, economic troubles, and environmental issues are grappling with waves of refugees more than other parts of the world. 

Meanwhile, one country that for decades has been a key origin of refugees seeking better life opportunity in other parts of the world is Afghanistan. 

Protracted civil war and, on the other hand, years of insecurity resulting from the presence of foreign occupation forces under the pretext of fighting terrorism have prevented this important Central Asian country from moving towards development. Actually, these are the main roots behind the people of Afghanistan deciding to leave the country. 

Now the end of two decades of devastating and absurd war that was waged by the US-led West to bring about prosperity and development to Afghanistan has made no mentionable difference to give the Afghans a reason not to migrate, amid the West obstructing new government with biting sanctions and freezing of national assets, along with famine and economic crisis and lack of inflexibility by the Taliban for incorporation of other ethnic groups in the new political system for an inclusive government. 

Among the main destinations for Afghan asylum seekers, Iran has always been at the forefront of countries admitting the influx of Afghan refugees and asylum seekers due to cultural similarities and geographical proximity. According to Javad Hedayati, director general of the Office of International Transit and Transportation of Iran Roads Organization, after arrival of the Taliban the entry of Afghans into Iran from the official borders has reached about 5,000 people a day, while before that this figure was between 700 and 800 people a day. If we consider the illegally entering Afghans, the number is, indeed, way larger. 

With Pakistan and Central Asia routes to Europe closed, the migrants prefer to go other countries via Iran, which is why a large number of Afghan refugees flock to the Iranian borders every day. 

This comes while the Western countries, which are the main cause of the problems of the Afghan people today by imposing a two-decade war on Afghanistan, are not only refusing to shoulder their responsibility for Afghan refugees and issue visas to thousands of Afghans who gather in front of foreign embassies and consulates every day but also discriminate between Asian and Ukrainian refugees under an apparently immoral and racist policy. 

But despite this clear difference between Iran's performance in hosting at least 3 million Afghan refugees – or, according to some estimates, up to 5 million– and the racist performance of Western countries, Western media outlets deliberately seek to disrupt the relations of the two nations that share friendship, religion, culture, and language with false news reports of the refugees' conditions in Iran. 

Contrary to their compatriots in other countries, the Afghanis in Iran have a successful and dynamic community and have prospered to high degrees in arts, education, and work. Actually, due to cultural commonalities, they are well-interwoven in the Islamic-Iranian living culture. 

The Western media propaganda prompted the Iranian embassy in Kabul to issue a warning about a "sedition and conspiracy hatched by the enemies" targeting the two countries' brotherly relations, adding that "the Islamic Republic of Iran, in spite of the economic problems caused by the oppressive sanctions sees no barriers to the entry of Afghan citizens and continues to welcome new immigrants. Illegal entry into Iran is a violation of its territorial sovereignty, and the border law enforcement forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are obliged to prevent the illegal entry of all foreign nationals into the country." 

Indeed, economic challenges caused by illegal Western sanctions on Tehran have left unavoidable impacts on Iran's capacity to accept more Afghan refugees, especially that the Western countries and international organizations claiming human rights advocacy and protection of asylum seekers have many shortcomings in fulfilling their duties and commitments to countries hosting Afghan refugees, such as Iran, and have refused to bear part of the heavy burden of costs of hosting the refugees fleeing war, insecurity, and collapsing economic conditions.

Mohammad Taghi Hashemi, Director General of Office of Foreign Immigrants and Citizens of Khorasan Razavi province's local government, said in January last year that the total amount of aids provided to Iran by the international community cover only a "maximum of four percent" of the needs of foreign refugees in Iran and the rest of funding is provided by the Iranian government. 

Despite all budget constraints, the Islamic Republic's principal policy concerning hosting the Afghan refugees has not changed and under bilateral ties Tehran continues to prioritize assisting Afghanistan to settle its challenges and achieve stability and prosperity.
