AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

3 April 2022

3:57:59 AM

Analysis: Effects of martyrdom operations on security situation of Israeli regime

On the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, combat against the Israeli regime in the depths of the occupied territories has intensified and the areas are struggling with the chaotic security situation following the operations of the Palestinian fighters in recent days.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): On the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, combat against the Israeli regime in the depths of the occupied territories has intensified and the areas are struggling with the chaotic security situation following the operations of the Palestinian fighters in recent days.

The new round of martyrdom-seeking operations by the Palestinian fighters, which has put a lot of pressure on the Israeli cabinet, has made regime authorities angry at the inability of the security and intelligence forces to respond to the wave of Palestinian operations. Naftali Bennett promised to respond harshly to the retaliatory attacks.

A total of 11 settlers have been killed in three separate attacks during past ten days.

On Wednesday, Bennett announced new security measures, telling all licensed Israelis to start carrying weapons, and the tense atmosphere in the occupied territories intensified these days.

Regime’s TV 12 also reported that 3,000 police officers would be stationed in al-Quds during Ramadan.

With the issuance of new orders by the Israel's security cabinet, the regime's army and security forces raided the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank, prompting the Palestinian Ministry of Health to announce that Israeli forces had killed at least two Palestinians during the clashes. The action that caused the head of the Islamic Jihad to put its forces on high alert in response to the fetal attack on all forces.

Playing with the Self-Made Scarecrow of ISIS

After the great surprise and humiliating intelligence defeat of the regime security forces to prevent the wave of Palestinians’ martyrdom, the Western and Israeli media made their best to brand the hapless Palestinians’ resistance operations as terrorist attacks. Connecting Palestinian resistance fighters to ISIS was on their agenda; in particular, the media targeted the second operation in which, they claimed, two Palestinians who were trained to carry out operations in Syria, has done the martyrdom operation. As a result, the Western and Israeli media tried to link the operation to the dormant cells of ISIS and the recruitment of this terrorist group in the Palestinian territories.

This targeted propaganda line is being pursued while the ISIS group, which killed thousands of Muslim people while occupying large swathes of territories in Syria and Iraq, has never carried out a single operation against the interests of Tel Aviv. Therefore, the coverage of this issue by the Western and Israeli media is only for the purpose of legitimizing and intensifying the repressive measures against the inhabitants of the West Bank and diminishing the victory of the Palestinian resistance.

The promise of a new intifada from the West Bank

 There is no doubt that the recent wave of attacks will intensify the Israeli cabinet's concerns about the security situation in the West Bank. In recent years, with the weakening of the position of compromise discourse in Palestine along with the treacherous actions of some Arab states to normalize ties with the Israeli regime, the effects of this situation on Palestinian internal developments have shown a general tendency to resistance discourse in the West Bank. The Fatah faction and the Israelis, aware of Hamas' definite victory in the upcoming Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections, have repeatedly postponed the general elections under various pretexts.

The main concern of the Israeli regime and the US in the West Bank is the formation of a new intifada in the region, which could spread to other Palestinian areas in the occupied territories, with the military support of Hamas, create an uncertain future for the regime. The attack on the Jenin camp, which has been the site of recent Palestinian resistance attacks, is a clear indication of the Israeli authorities' deep concern that the situation in the region could spiral out of control of Fatah and that an intifada could begin in the near future.
