AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

14 February 2022

7:02:58 AM

Analysis: Independence, missing of Arab States

Along with the Axis of Resistance power gain in the Muslim world in recent years, one of the key strategies of the opposite axis, led by the US, to counter a growing resistance discourse has been use of media propaganda to prevent deepening influence of Iranian Islamic Revolution in other Muslims communities.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Along with the Axis of Resistance power gain in the Muslim world in recent years, one of the key strategies of the opposite axis, led by the US, to counter a growing resistance discourse has been use of media propaganda to prevent deepening influence of Iranian Islamic Revolution in other Muslims communities. 

But along with the growing capabilities of the Axis of Resistance– a powerful anti-colonialist regional bloc led by Iran and including Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine– in confrontation of enemy plots not only has the Resistance camp not been inactive in the soft-war but also successful media enlightenment to the regional nations enabled its leaders to return the plot to the plotters and tell the regional and international public the realities about defeat of the West and its regional allies in the decade-long hostilite policies against independent states. 

Undoubtedly, one of the most prominent resistance leaders and one of the figures whose words are always in the spotlight of the media and international public opinion is Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the popular leader of Lebanese Hezbollah. 

In addition to examining the latest developments in Lebanon and exposing the plans and conspiracies of the enemies of the country's stability, in his speeches Sayyed Hassan also from a strategic aspect explains the Resistance position in the face of its rivals, thus dealing perplexing and thwarting blows to the media propaganda of the enemies. 

Threats of military action by the Israelis and Americans against the Resistance Axis members are not new and are almost a fixed agenda of their speeches all to conceal failure of their plans from their internal critics. 

In recent months, the Israeli, and to a lesser degree American, threats against the Resistance states were stepped up amid Iranian resistance to Western excesses in the nuclear negotiations and the Lebanese political and economic crisis. The Israelis even talk about unilateral military actions against the Resistance branches when they do not find a listening ear in the White House. 

However, in his last speech, Sayyed Hassan addressed "empty" threats of the Israeli regime's leaders and the inability of Tel Aviv to act militarily against Lebanon. Referring to the new weapons the movement acquired, he said the enhanced balance of power and deterrence with the regime are the main reason the Israelis are afraid of a war against Lebanon. 

There is no doubt that the main point of the Israeli military superiority over Lebanon, as well as the driving forces behind its threats against Iran, is the air superiority. This is the main reliance for largely absurd Israeli struggle to prevent entrenchment of the Resistance forces on the Syrian soil and completion of the security pressure belt around the occupied Palestinian territories. 

Meanwhile, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, emphasizing that the Israelis will never be able to achieve their goals of disarming Hezbollah through war, announced the activation of the movement's air defense systems, which will end long-time Israeli warplanes' immunity from air defenses during operations in the Lebanese airspace. 

Iran has what is missing the most in the Arab states 

Maintaining independence and national sovereignty has always been one of the main concerns and demands of the people in developing countries with historical experience of being under foreign colonization. 

Today, despite decades of Arab independence from Western mandates, despotic regimes still govern a large part of the Arab and Islamic world on behalf of West and for Western interests, with these regimes usually being exploited by the West and against their nations' will and interests to advance Western policies. An example is the Persian Gulf Arab monarchies in which even the highest-level power transition takes place under the White House supervision and with its role. These countries' strategic-level policies are substantially influenced by Washington's regional strategy. This state of puppetdom is sometimes spoken out by the American officials so explicitly that draws reactions from other American politicians, however the Arab sheikhdoms do not make the least complaints. An example is Trump calling Saudi Arabia "milk cow", signaling a process of return of the Saudi petrodollars to the US via arms sales to the wealthy Arab kingdom, with the arms ultimately being used for the American and Israeli interests in the war against Muslims in Yemen. 

In a related speech, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah asserted "today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the symbol of independence and freedom in the Muslim countries and the whole world." 

He continued that the Islamic Republic is an outcome of a popular revolution. "Some countries talk about their independence and sovereignty but submit to embassies of other countries. Today Iran is an independent country with genuine independence and political freedom," he added. 

From another aspect, the Arab independence to the US makes them backward, consumptionist, and non-influential on the international stage despite their large population, extensive geography, and rich natural resources. 

But meanwhile, embracing a pro-independence discourse, Iran as the linchpin of the Axis of Resistance in the region has fixed its position as a powerful and influential actor internationally and is even acting as a factor wiping out the largely destabilizing Western, and particularly American, foothold in the region.
