AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

24 January 2022

8:00:09 AM

Analysis: UN resolution helps industrialize holocaust for Israelis while real one is taking place in Palestine

Amid reports of Israeli expansionist measures in recent months that are epitomized by new illegal settlement projects in West Bank and repression of the Palestinian protestors, in a surprising move the UN approved an Israeli-favored resolution on the Holocaust, adding insult to the Palestinian injury.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Amid reports of Israeli expansionist measures in recent months that are epitomized by new illegal settlement projects in West Bank and repression of the Palestinian protestors, in a surprising move the UN approved an Israeli-favored resolution on the Holocaust, adding insult to the Palestinian injury. 

The resolution, condemning any questioning of veracity of the Holocaust narrative in which allegedly 6 million Jews were massacred by the Nazi Germans during the Second World War, won 114 votes making the Israeli leaders cheerful. 

The resolution apparently revolves around countering the opponents and doubters of the Holocaust account and discredits any free investigation into Jewish claims, something proving perking up to the Tel Aviv leaders. 

Part of the resolution, page 9, reaffirmed the resolutions 60/7 of 2005 and 61/255 of 2007 and read: "remembrance of the Holocaust is a key component to the prevention of further acts of genocide, and Recalling that ignoring the historical facts of those terrible events increases the risk they will be repeated." 

Page 19 suggests that the "Holocaust denial in its various forms is an expression of antisemitism." 

Page 16 reaffirms that the Holocaust, which resulted in the "murder of nearly six million Jews, 1.5 million of whom were children, comprising one third of the Jewish people, in addition to the killing of millions of members of other nationalities, minorities and other targeted groups and individuals, will forever be a warning to all people of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism and prejudiced." 

While in past decades media control has been one of the main ways for the Western governments to suppress voices calling for a fair and unbiased probe into the Holocaust, the Western-sponsored resolution in its page 24 "urges the member states and social media companies to take active measures to combat antisemitism and Holocaust denial or distortion by the means of information and communication technologies and facilitate reporting of such content." 

Analysts warn that with this resolution call, the social media can be manipulated to increase Jewish racism, intolerance, xenophobia, negative stereotypes, and violation of human rights. 

It also commends those member states which have "actively engaged in preserving those sites that served as Nazi death camps, concentration camps, forced labour camps, killing sites and prisons." 

The myth of Holocaust 

The Jews claim that during WWII, the Nazis, driven by Hitler's anti-Semitic views and the racist outlook of the Nazi Party and based on a project called the Final Solution first ordered concentration of German Jews and those from countries under the control of Nazi Germany. After gathering the Jews in these camps, Hitler ordered their massacre, they claim. In addition, the Jews refer to the term "special treatment" in Nazi documents, claiming that German authorities' special treatment was the massacre and genocide of the Jewish people. Millions of Jews were killed during Hitler's Nazi rule in Germany, claim the Jews. The alleged death toll sometimes was raised to more than 10 million, but over time the Jews agreed upon 6 million killed in what they call "death camps." 

Questions and doubts about Holocaust 

Since the raising of the Holocaust, many researchers investigated the event as it is prone to manipulation and distortion because of lack of clarity of its whole aspects and also because the Israelis have always had a racist reading of it and abused it to run their political and expansionist agenda. 

The important point, meanwhile, is that in most Western countries, there is no chance to question the Israeli narrative of the incident. Even parts of the Israeli account have been brought in the UN resolution. Today, in many countries including Australia, France, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, and Austria researchers who deny the myth of the Jewish genocide are criminalized. For this reason, in European countries, many people, including researchers, historians, and journalists dare not to state their positions for fear of the consequences. 

So far, there have been many arguments by researchers to refute the claim that millions of Jews were massacred by the Nazis using gas chambers. Concerning the final solution and special treatment claims, documentary studies conducted by researchers indicate that there is no evidence that these claims could mean the massacre of the Jews and their genocide. Some researches suggest the two terms concern destruction of war documents by the Nazis. 

Also, surveys of notes and comments by Jewish commentators about the massacre of the Jews during the WWII reveal an obvious contradiction between cherishing the Holocaust and its victims and blaming them as sinful people by some Jewish scholars. The Jewish commentators believed that the victims deserved the divine retribution for their disobedience of the God and divinely rules. 

In addition, there is some evidence that Jews who allegedly spent time in German prisons awaiting death and gas chambers even if wanted to be released from captivity, other Jews who claimed to respect them and sought legal guarantees to protect their dignity not only did not help them to freedom but also they might have prevented it. And even during the war, when Jews claimed that Hitler killed millions of Jews, Jewish leaders like David Ben-Gurion And others had relationship with Hitler and gave him a lot of support. This relationship was so serious that after the defeat of Hitler and the end of the war, the Soviets arrested and imprisoned Ben-Gurion as a Nazi prisoner. 

Covering up crimes by playing victim 

Today, the Holocaust has become a lucrative industry for Jews. "Holocaust industry" is a term made because of enormous economic benefits for the Israelis from this case. The economic benefits of the Holocaust are not limited to the several-decade reparations that Germany has been paying to the Israeli regime and the Jews, and which will continue until 2030. The Holocaust has already become a justification for the huge economic aids, significant economic privileges, and considerable financial and economic resources that Western countries provide to the Zionist Jews. In addition to economic benefits, this lucrative industry has brought many diplomatic and international benefits to Tel Aviv. The US and other Western countries' diplomatic supports for the Israeli regime in the international stage and at home are justified by the Holocaust. 

One of the most important areas of Israeli exploitation of the Holocaust is the cover-up of crimes against the Palestinian people and justification of the ideology of expansionism and aggression against the neighboring countries. This constant exploitation, with the endangerment of the regime's existence by the widespread outbreak of the Palestinian intifada throughout occupied Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank, and even among Palestinian refugees in other countries in the region, is receiving increasing attention from Israeli leaders. The extensive lobbying for adoption of the recent pro-Holocaust resolution was precisely driven by this understanding. 

From another perspective, this fact should not be disregarded that the Israelis have come to the notion that the days of their running rampant and harvesting Western public opinion support have gone and publication of Palestine realities is prompting the anti-Israeli sentiments and criticism in the Western societies. The resolution's emphasis on exerting control over the social media sites in favor of Tel Aviv exactly demonstrates this reality. 

With Israel boycott campaign growing wide-ranging in the US, poll results show that more American citizens would back the anti-Israeli boycott movement, known as Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), should the Israeli settlement projects in West Bank continue. Also, many Americans have a sense growing that Zionism and pro-Israeli lobbies have massive sway over the US politics and policy makers.