AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Mayadeen

16 November 2021

6:46:11 AM

Analysis - Threat to Iran’s nuclear program: Israel’s attempt to shift attention away from Palestinians

For decades, "Israel" has accused Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon. Iran has stated repeatedly that it has no plans to develop nuclear weapons, and its program has been rigorously monitored.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): For decades, "Israel" has accused Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon. Iran has stated repeatedly that it has no plans to develop nuclear weapons, and its program has been rigorously monitored.

Since the Islamic Republic of Iran was established in 1979, the United States and its allies have attempted to put the country under various forms of restrictions, most notably economic sanctions, but they have failed to do much other than increase Iran's power and independence. The controversy over the nuclear agreement with Iran continues to be one of the leading causes of Middle East tensions, which have risen in recent years. Additionally, "Israel" continues to believe that Iran's nuclear program poses a threat to its very existence. "Israel" believes that using force is necessary to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. The opinion is supported by the US strategic affairs establishment.

Over the years, "Israel" and the US are said to have engaged in different measures in order to extend the time it takes Iran to reach the nuclear threshold. These actions were coinciding with diplomatic initiatives spearheaded by the United States and international economic pressure.

For decades, "Israel" has accused Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon. Iran has stated repeatedly that it has no plans to develop nuclear weapons, and its program has been rigorously monitored. "Israel" has been attempting to prevent Iran from becoming a military nuclear power since at least 2000. "Israel's" Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, claimed Iran had crossed all limits intended at limiting its nuclear weapons development, but that "Israel" would not allow Iran to obtain the bomb. He went on to say that the Islamic Republic has made "significant progress" in its nuclear manufacturing capability and ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium in recent years.

In recent weeks, rising tensions between "Israel" and Iran have reached an alarming point. "Israel" is said to have carried out a number of attacks against Iran in recent years, particularly against its nuclear program. Israeli agents were blamed for the death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, one of Iran's most distinguished nuclear experts, outside Tehran in November 2020, just as they were for the killings of a half-dozen Iranian scientists and technicians a decade before. Aside from the potential of direct escalation, a more open clash between "Israel" and Iran might jeopardize the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, which is already on a downward trajectory.

Whereas, Iran has also stated that it has no plans to pursue nuclear weapons and has chastised the International Atomic Energy Agency for having double standards when it comes to "Israel's" nuclear program and nuclear weapons ownership, which it neither confirms nor denies. Moreover, the current Israeli threats are intended to disrupt Iran's discussions in Vienna with international powers to resurrect the 2015 nuclear deal, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).          

Moreover, Israeli leaders have escalated threats against Iran over its nuclear program. After meeting with President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that the US and "Israel" had formed a high-level committee to deal with the Iran nuclear issue. Israeli leaders have renewed threats against Iran over its nuclear program, renewing action plans. Moreover, The US and "Israel" have constituted a high-level committee to deal with Iran's nuclear program.

Whereas, "Israel's" allegations against Iran's nuclear program have been condemned as "unfounded and irrelevant" by Iran's permanent envoy to the United Nations, who claims the accusations are intended at obscuring the threats posed by the regime's nuclear weapons to the region and the globe.

Furthermore, Majid Takht-Ravanchi made the comments at a United Nations Security Council meeting, after "Israel's" ambassador, Gilad Erdan, accused Iran of attempting to become a "nuclear threshold state" and of continuing to breach international agreements on uranium enrichment and stockpiling. Iran stressed that "Israel's charges regarding Iran's peaceful nuclear program, which the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly validated as harmless, are absolutely ludicrous, unjustified, and irrelevant."

Significantly, Iran warned "Israel" against attacking its nuclear facilities in a letter to the UN Security Council chief, after "Israel" declared its right to use force. According to the Iranian ambassador, "Israel" is attempting to distract international attention away from its crimes against Palestinians, and the regime's claims are also intended to hide the threat that its nuclear weapons pose to the region and the globe. Since the advent of the current Israeli administration, "Israel's" hostility against Palestinians has increased.

To eradicate this threat, the international community must compel "Israel's" regime to halt its threatening nuclear activities, abide by the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has repeatedly warned that any assault against the country will be met with a crushing response.

Ruqiya Anwar Researcher, Analyst

The opinions mentioned in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ABNA24, but rather express the opinion of its writer exclusively.


Ruqiya Anwar

Researcher, Analyst