AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Ahed News

7 November 2021

6:44:42 AM

Top Iranian cleric: We are living in an era of major victories

Iranians are celebrating the 42nd anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran by Iranian students and the closure of the American spy den, which acted as a central nervous system for espionage, and interference.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iranians are celebrating the 42nd anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran by Iranian students and the closure of the American spy den, which acted as a central nervous system for espionage, and interference.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini described this event as the second revolution. This day also coincides with the anniversary of Imam Khomeini's exile from the country in 1964 and the beginning of the Islamic renaissance in Iran. Imam Khomeini led the revolution and returned to the country in 1979. The revolution of the Iranian people triumphed under his leadership.

This day also commemorates the martyrdom of dozens of Iranian school and university students who perished at the hands of the Shah's regime during a march in front of the University of Tehran.

This year’s anniversary of the closure of the American spy den in Tehran coincides with another blow dealt to the US in international waters when the Islamic Revolutionary Guard prevented American pirates from stealing Iranian oil.

On this occasion, Al-Ahed news website sat down with a member of the Presidency of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, His Eminence Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas Al-Kaabi, who confirmed that the discourse of the Islamic Revolution presented a model for civilized jihad in the face of arrogance. This discourse, which was initiated by the honorable Imam Khomeini and continued by the Grand His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei is based on several elements:

*    1st element: Transforming weaknesses of the nation into strengths at all levels – cultural, economic, political, social, scientific, technical, defense and military

*    2nd element: Turning enemy threats into opportunities for development and civilization at all levels

*    3rd element: The cognitive view of power as a means of creating civilization not creating and producing power in order to dominate other human beings

*    4th element: Emphasis on the value system that starts from monotheism, justice, and human dignity and continues to consolidate the principles of ethics, development, science, religious governance of the people, and effective political participation in the light of values and morals

*    5th element: Removing the obstacles by combating tyrants, aggressors, corrupters, and the arrogant

*    6th element: Interaction with the Islamic awakening movement, restoration of nation-building and rooting the culture of resistance and the creation of civilization

*    7th element: The establishment of principles and values and the preservation of Islamic belief and knowledge in order to create an Islamic way of living that is compatible with Islamic values within the Islamic nation

*    8th element: The fight against backwardness and moving towards scientific development among the sons of the Islamic nation

*    9th element: Combating strife within the nation and emphasizing the strategy of unity among its sons

*    10th element: Focusing on the scientific and religious reference for the people of the nation in line with the requirements of the age and time

*    11th element: Knowledge and subordination to the righteous and intellectual leadership to create victory after victory in the face of global arrogance

*    12th element: Creating a new general structure for the nation and overthrowing structures, organizations, and administrative frameworks of global arrogance in international relations

*    13th element: Supporting independence, freedom, and movement towards achieving justice and development for Islamic peoples and countries in the face of hegemony, influence, and penetration of global arrogance

*    14th element: Focusing on interreligious and intercultural dialogue in the framework of monotheism, justice, and human dignity

Ayatollah Al-Kaabi concluded by saying: These 14 elements need the rise and resistance of the sons of the nation against the global arrogance system at all levels.

The discourse of the Islamic Revolution in the light of the ideas of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei today created glory for the nation as well as an uprising and a movement of resistance against global arrogance. Today, we are stronger than ever, and global arrogance and its puppets in the region are weaker than ever. We are living in an era of great victories and the nation's children pioneering resistance against global arrogance.
