AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Razavi.ir

25 October 2021

5:29:51 AM

More attentive to people’s suffering, closer to Prophet’s conduct: Astan Quds Razavi custodian

Whoever is attentive to the suffering of people and does something to meet their needs is closer to the life and conduct of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), says Astan Quds Razavi’s chief custodian Hoj. Ahmad Marvi while underscoring attention to people’s sorrows and difficulties as a main characteristic of the Prophet (pbuh).

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Whoever is attentive to the suffering of people and does something to meet their needs is closer to the life and conduct of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), says Astan Quds Razavi’s chief custodian Hoj. Ahmad Marvi while underscoring attention to people’s sorrows and difficulties as a main characteristic of the Prophet (pbuh).

Congratulating birth anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Sadiq (AS) in a special ceremony at Imam Reza holy shrine, Hoj. Marvi described behavioral features of the Prophet (pbuh), saying: “The Holy Quran has emphasized on the issue of leadership (Imamate) in addition to the role of prophethood; some other duties including teaching and nurturing people have been defined for the Prophet (pbuh) of Islam, therefore”.

He referred to Verse 21 of the Al-Ahzab Surah as an example, stating that according to this verse people have to follow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) both during easy and difficult times.

AQR chief custodian went on to say: “In addition to his words, the leadership role of the Prophet (pbuh) was crystal clear in his practical conduct; in accordance to the Quranic verses, the Prophet (pbuh) and his family members are models for the entire human society”.

“In addition to the repeated emphasis of the Holy Quran, Imam Ali (AS) in his Nahj al-Balagha also introduces Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as an excellent model for the society to follow,” he noted.

Hoj. Marvi also said: “This modeling is not limited to any particular time or place; rather, people can model them in all times and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his offspring are best models for all human beings”.

Elsewhere, Marvi pointed to some salient behavioral features of the Prophet (pbuh), saying: “The Prophet (pbuh) of Islam wants a society free from arrogance, lies, deception, resentment, jealousy and suspicion. He seeks a pure, compassionate, and loving society free from hypocrisy and deception. These are characteristics of a society confirmed by the Prophet (pbuh)”.

According to Hoj. Marvi, from among barbaric tribes who despised their girls at birth, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) managed to nurture some complete people for society.

Hoj. Marvi introduced benevolence and friendship with people as two key characteristics of the prophet. “There are various interpretations about the Prophet (pbuh) inside Quran and one of the most important ones is outstanding morality of the Prophet (pbuh). The (pbuh) Messenger of Allah was always compassionate to the people and became saddened with their pains. His compassion was to guide people and he was always sincere in guiding them”.

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