AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib News

23 October 2021

5:57:14 AM

35th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Egyptian thinker: "Anti-Islam challenges meant to marginalize Palestine issue"

Egyptian writer and researcher attending the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference related on "Islamic unity from the Quran's perspective, the way to avoid division and conflict" in his speech addressing the webinar held on Tuesday.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Egyptian writer and researcher attending the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference related on "Islamic unity from the Quran's perspective, the way to avoid division and conflict" in his speech addressing the webinar held on Tuesday.

Professor Ali Abu al-Khair, writer and researcher, noted that the division, strife, conflict, Takfiri attacks all meant to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims.
He denounced the pervasive attacks by Zionists, global arrogant powers against the Islamic Ummah stressing," These attacks try to make the children of this Ummah forget the most important issue of the Islamic world, the issue of Palestine."
Senior Egyptian elite referred to three axes in his speech the first of which being Islamic unity from the perspective of Ahl al-Bayt (as).
He counted Islamic unity from the perspective of Sunnis and Jamaat and also the future of Islamic unity as the second and third axes in his speech addressing the participants in the webinar on Tuesday.
The Egyptian author referred to the Ahlul Bayt resignation from caliphate when necessary to sacrifice that to protect unity among Muslims and prevent any division or discord in Muslim ummah.
He quoted the verse 103 of Surah Al-e Imran " Hold fast, all together, to Allah’s cord, and do not be divided [into sects]" and similarity of the Shia and Sunni view on importance of maintaining unity among Muslims saying," This verse explicitly emphasizes the need to unite the Ummah and hang on to the divine cord" and that the divine cord here is unity, common goal, common conscience, common positive participation, and a united vision to counter the global onslaught, to counter the onslaught of Zionism, and Takfiris.
Professor Ali Abu al-Khair said regarding the third axis, said the future of Islamic unity is not much likely to be a bright one and stated, "Of course, the uncertainty of this future should not discourage us from God's mercy and the emergence of unity; because we must rely on the vibrant and motivating spirit of the common Muslims."
He reiterated that the solidarity among Muslims is based on common affairs, namely prayer, fasting, zakat and Hajj of the Sacred House of Allah.
Egyptian author and thinker made the comments in his speech on the first day of the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference on the theme of "Islamic Unity, Peace and Avoidance of Division and Conflict in the World of Islam."
Led by Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari, Iran's World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has scheduled to hold the 35th Islamic Unity Conference on October 19-24, 2021 as more than 500 Muslim intellectuals, thinkers and religious experts will discuss their views on the latest issues in the world of Islam in 24 webinars.
