AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib News

21 October 2021

5:33:12 AM

35th International Islamic Unity Conference;

Algerian Sunni professor: No right for US to call Islam into Question

Sunni university professor, Noureddine Abu Lahia, said in his speech on the first day of the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference held on Tuesday that all western wars were aggressive type and western perpetrators have no right to call Islam into question.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Sunni university professor, Noureddine Abu Lahia, said in his speech on the first day of the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference held on Tuesday that all western wars were aggressive type and western perpetrators have no right to call Islam into question.

Algerian thinker delivered his speech on the motives of war between Islam and non-divine systems and related on the two types under which all wars should be classified, reported.
He said," One type of war is when fighters rise up against a brutal occupier who has invaded their land and plundered their property. This is the defensive war" and added," The defensive war is certainly rooted in human nature."
"When we refer to holy Quran, which is the source and reference of all succeeding texts and jurisprudence, we can see that the defensive war (jihad) is the only war which it approves of" said he and added," If we reflect upon all the Koranic verses where war has been mentioned, we will see that the reason behind those wars was defense jihad or defending national security."
Algerian thinker added," Another type of war is the offensive war where a person or country which enjoys stability attacks another country and attempts to annex the latter or plunder its resources and wealth." All western wars including the wars of the ancient Rome and the new colonialism such as the British colonialism and other great oppressions of history are of the offensive type."
The Sunni thinker reiterated," Those great powers have been shedding blood and perpetrating massacres and yet they claim to be civilized."
Noureddine Abu Lahia referred to the wars waged by the west and said," A look at the history of America and the killing of the original inhabitants of that continent shows that this is the greatest colonization and the greatest crime against humanity in history. Therefore, those perpetrators have no right to call Islam into question."
Algerian university professor and thinker made the comments in his speech on the first day of the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference held by Iran's World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought.

The theme for 35th Islamic Unity Conference is "Islamic Unity, Peace and Avoidance of Division and Conflict in the World of Islam" as participants discuss the latest situation in the world of Islam. Two meetings will particularly detail the views on the issue of Palestine and late Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri, the late advisor of Supreme Leader and former secretary general of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought.
