AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA24

3 July 2021

2:16:26 AM

AhlulBait Foundation of South Africa condolences demise of Sheikh Ahmad Tijan Sila

Following the demise of Sheikh Ahmad Tijan Silla, one of the leading Shiites in Africa and representative of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in Sierra Leone, in a message the AhlulBait Foundation of South Africa (AFOSA) expressed its condolences for the loss.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Following the demise of Sheikh Ahmad Tijan Silla, one of the leading Shiites in Africa and representative of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in Sierra Leone, in a message the AhlulBait Foundation of South Africa (AFOSA) expressed its condolences for the loss.

The mwssage is as follow:

In The Name of the God

AFOSA sadly received the news of the passing away of Sheikh Ahmad TejanSillah from Freetown Sierra Leone on 24 June 2021.

Sheikh Ahmad TejanSillah was one of the most influential leaders of the Shia Muslim community in the Sierra Leone. In addition to being the Imam of the largest mosque in Freetown named Masjid Fatima Zahra (a.s), his influence was deep rooted in the broader sociopolitical scene on a local and international level.

After having achieved his Masters Degree from the Dar al-Tabligh University in Qum in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the rest of his life is filled with an outstanding record of achievements and service of which he was well known for the following:

- Director of Radio Freetown FN95.7, broadcasting cultural programs for an average of eleven hours a day, including teaching the Qur'an, jurisprudence, beliefs and lectures on various occasions;

- Spiritual Leader of the United Council of Imams of Sierra Leone;

- Member of MajmaTaqrib which works towards the furtherance of cooperation and understanding between the different Muslim Schools of Thought internationally;

- Representative of Majma Ahlul Bayt (Ahlul Bayt World Assembly) in Sierra Leone;

- Champion for peace during the era of civil war in Sierra Leone wherein he directly engaged the rebels to opt for peace;

- Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations;

- Founding member of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone consisting of Muslim and Christian leaders for the promotion of Interfaith Unity;

- Advocate for Children and Women's Rights

Prophet Muhammad (sawa) said, "The death of a scholar is an affliction that cannot be compensated and a void that cannot be filled, for he is a star that has been obliterated. The death of a whole tribe is easier to bear than the death of a scholar."

By leaving such a deep impact on the community of Sierra Leone, the passing away of Sheikh Sillah leaves a void in the community. May his students and followers continue on the same path for which he paved the way.

At the time of writing, we also received the further sad news of the passing away of his honourable wife.

May Almighty Allah receive both these noble believers into His Infinite Mercy and grant them a Sublime Abode in Paradise and the Close Company of Prophet Muhammad (sawa) and His Holy Household.



Director of Ahlul Bait (a.s) Masjid Complex, Ottery, Cape Town

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