Ali Abdi referred to the internal developments of the Zionist regime and Netanyahu’s coming down from power and said: Although the government was transferred to the regime and handed over to the coalition against Netanyahu, the government is not stable and may cause discord and disintegration with the slightest excuse.

He added: At the far right of the anti-Netanyahu coalition is Yemina, and in front of it is the Zionist faction of Yair Lapid, and on its Arab side is the party of Mansour Abbas; a coalition between the left, the center and the right groups, all of which have in common the enmity with Netanyahu and attempt to oust him. This front is a heterogeneous coalition, heterogeneous and full of gaps and holes that, if activated, could at any moment disrupt and consequently collapse this government. In fact, they are severely weak.

Multipolar society of Israel with very deep rifts

Referring to the march of flags in the occupied territories by the rightists after Netanyahu’s coming down from power and the tensions created by it, he said: The Zionist society is not a homogeneous society and the holes in the coalition are in fact a reflection of the holes in Zionist society. A society that is highly bipolar or multipolar and has very deep rifts.

Abdi explained: On the one hand, extreme right-wing extremism dominates this society and it is becoming more widespread day by day, and on the other hand, we are witnessing leftist or sometimes humanitarian approaches that have nothing to do with the Zionist regime’s discourse. In addition, there is a range of religious tendencies, some of which do not recognize the legitimacy of the Zionist regime, and on the other hand, there are Zionist fanatics who have right tendencies.

The expert on Zionist regime’s affairs also pointed to ethnic divisions in the regime, saying: This highly heterogeneous Zionist society is in fact Netanyahu’s political legacy and one of the consequences of his actions.

Six-month inability of the government to withstand

Referring to Netanyahu’s remarks at a session of the Israeli parliament that he would overthrow the left-wing government sooner than many imagine, he said: It is not clear that this coalition government can last for about six months and has a weak degree of resilience.

Abdi continued: In front of this coalition, there is the opposition current led by Netanyahu, which has only one vote less than the coalition government, which can actually overthrow the government by taking a seat at any moment by disrupting this coalition. Netanyahu is a clever professional politician in the game of power and at the same time very vindictive, and he will surely settle accounts.

The analyst of the Zionist regime’s affairs further continued: Given the issue of the Gaza crisis and the recent war, the resumption of another war could be the starting point for the end of the coalition government; because in this coalition, both the Palestinian faction of Mansour Abbas and Naftali Bint, the extremist far right, are present. Meanwhile, in the internal space of the Zionist regime, the power of the right is dominant, and with the heavy atmosphere prevailing, the left and the moderates are practically in a weak position.

Abdi added: With the withdrawal of the coalition, we will see the presence of Netanyahu again. The strongest right-wing option, however, is Netanyahu; but his return to power is not liberating the Zionist regime and it is blocking it again. Until they can remove Netanyahu from the political arena, for example, by pursuing his corruption cases, his heavy shadow will not allow a government other than the right-wing government to breathe easily and do the right thing, even if a coalition of right, left and center is against him.

Israel’s weaker presence in regional equations

Regarding the situation of the Zionist regime’s foreign policy plans in the absence of Netanyahu, as well as its regional power in the Naftali Bint government, he said: Some of those policies are great and against the will of domestic parties, but are very effective in implementing the policy of the prime minister and government. Of course, a large part of this relationship is Netanyahu’s initiative and personal ability, and the absence of him and Trump in the United States will damage those plans. In fact, the Netanyahu-Bin Zayed-Bin Salman bloc has practically disintegrated, and it looks like it will be weaker in Israel’s regional equations.

Referring to Israel’s readiness to establish relations with Muslim countries in Southeast Asia, he said: The absence of Trump and Netanyahu, as well as the different approach of the Biden administration, will greatly affect those relations. In fact, Netanyahu’s absence is very influential in the nature of those relations and political actions.

Pointing out Lapid’s emphasis on the need to make changes in the Zionist regime’s relationship with the United States in order to strengthen relations, he added: The new government is more desirable for Biden and any government other than Netanyahu will be better for the Democrats. Although no government has the leverage and power that Netanyahu has in the United States, the new government seems to be working to form that type of relations with the Biden administration that fill the current gap, while the issue of resilience and viability of the new Israeli government is also a serious issue.

Situation of Palestine under new Israeli government

He referred to the remarks of the Egyptian Foreign Minister regarding the pursuit of advancing the peace process with the new Israeli government and regarding the situation in Palestine under the new Zionist regime, adding: The experience of more than 70 years of occupation of Palestine has proved that any peace process with Israel will not be successful without determining the status of Palestine.

Abdi stressed: Even if all Arab countries enter into negotiations with Israel and recognize it and establish an embassy until the Palestinian issue is resolved, the peace process will be fruitless and will be limited to diplomatic shows such as Sharm el-Sheikh, Camp David and Oslo. It will not make a difference in the field and in action. In this case, the nations of the region will not cooperate and the problem of the Zionist regime will not be solved.