AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

4 June 2021

2:05:24 AM

Analysis - Insolent Show: UAE’s Holocaust comedy amid Gaza tragedy

Less than 10 days after Gaza war ceasefire, Dubai Crossroad of Civilizations Museum hosted a “Holocaust memorial” with the presence of the Israeli ambassador to the UAE Eitan Na’eh. This is the first Holocaust exhibit in an Arab country and comes months after the Emirati-Israeli...

Ahlulbayt News Agency: Less than 10 days after Gaza war ceasefire, Dubai Crossroad of Civilizations Museum hosted a “Holocaust memorial” with the presence of the Israeli ambassador to the UAE Eitan Na’eh. This is the first Holocaust exhibit in an Arab country and comes months after the Emirati-Israeli normalization deal. Holding such an exhibit in the current conditions is attracting media attention with analysts calling it a purposeful political action.

Holocaust is a term the Israelis use in their claims about death of 6 million Jews for genocidal motivations at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi army during the Second World War. Questioners and opponents of the claims in the West are sued, arrested, and convicted. The point here is that the exhibit is opening in the UAE while the recent Israeli war on Gaza killed over 250 Palestinians including 66 children, 39 women, 17 elders, and wounded 1948 others.

Al Nahyan’s limitless and unmatched obscenity

The opening of the first Holocaust exhibit in an Arab country should be viewed as the continuation of the insolence of the UAE under the leadership of Mohammed bin Zayed, who has already initiated a thaw process with the Israeli regime hoping to gain the support of the Trump While House. Arranging a memorial for the Holocaust, which is propagated by the Israelis as the symbol of the oppression against them and the justification for occupation of Palestine, is seen in the Arab and Muslim world a sign of “Emirati rulers’ self-loss and betrayal.”

Portraying the Israelis as oppressed people using a historically-unproven and questioned incident and putting it before the genuine oppression against the Palestinian people bears nothing but self-humiliation of the Emirati leaders. This was to an extent that the UAE not only declined to participate in the UN General Assembly’s session to discuss the Israeli crimes in Gaza but also, as reports said, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed rushed to reverse the financial losses of Tel Aviv.  

Closing their eyes to the Israeli crimes, the Emirati leaders on the one hand betray the Palestinian cause and on the other hand assert to the international community that they know no limits in their antipathy to the Palestinian and service to the Israeli occupation. They, actually, want to make it clear to the world they are not going to stop their cooperation with Tel Aviv under any conditions. In other words, the ridiculous show arranged by Al Nahyan after the horrific Israeli crimes in Gaza is a dateless signature to the Israelis whose date and credit can be extended whenever Tel Aviv wishes.

Gaza war and fundamental shift of the Muslim world’s public opinion

Politically, it should be taken into account that the recent Israeli war on Gaza, in which Tel Aviv sustained a new defeat, is a development marking a turning point in the West Asian equations. The 11-day war on Gaza was like quake destroying all of the plans to advance the Arab-Israeli normalization. After it, the citizens of the Arab countries not only tolerate no normalization with Tel Aviv but also deem it a “betrayal of the blood” of those killed in the recent Israeli bombardment. Following the new war on Gaza, all of the arrangements made by some Arab rulers and the Israelis were marred. Best description for the fate of the normalization process is the grand collapse of the backers of de-escalation with Tel Aviv.

The Emirati decision to hold a memorial for the Holocaust is a passive reaction, devoid of the power to be influential. After all, the post-war public atmosphere strongly rejects any proceeding with the normalization with the Israelis, regardless of the desperate Emirati struggle to buy credit and mended image to the Israelis. Such a show not only brings no political credit to bin Zayed and other Emirati rulers but also feeds their disgrace among the public.
