AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Al Waght News

9 May 2021

7:59:20 AM


Expert: Resistance shattered Deal of Century, Syrian strategic patience with Tel Aviv ending

Recently, the Israeli forces attacked the Palestinians in Al-Quds (Jerusalem). The move is seen a dangerous escalation against the Palestinians by Tel Aviv. Reacting to the attacks, the Palestinian groups called for comprehensive resistance against the Israeli occupation across the Palestinian territories.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Recently, the Israeli forces attacked the Palestinians in Al-Quds (Jerusalem). The move is seen a dangerous escalation against the Palestinians by Tel Aviv. Reacting to the attacks, the Palestinian groups called for comprehensive resistance against the Israeli occupation across the Palestinian territories.

Alwaght Analysis network hosted the Iranian political analyst and chief of Andisheh Sazan-e-Noor Institute for Strategic Studies Saadullah Zaree to comment on the last week developments in Al-Quds.

Mr Zaree gave a short history of the occupation of Palestine, saying that the plot was a joint British-American-French design. He added that an “international scheme” was behind the Palestinian occupation in 1948.

“This conspiracy was a process that began in 1897, during the First Zionist Congress in Baal, Switzerland, and about 51 years later, Palestine was occupied by Zionism or better to say the Western Zionism. Since then, from 1948 to the present, which is a 73-year period, Palestine, with the continuous support of the West, has remained under the occupation of extremist Zionists, and during this period, the Muslim world has been exposed to a complicated, strict, and cohesive global conspiracy.”

Dr. Zaree said that the ongoing conspiracy is the reason behind the resistance by the Muslims. The Western evil actions to keep the Palestinian lands under occupation have continued likewise. The West remains committed to this inhumane occupation and this is exceptional that the West kept this agenda for the past 125 years.

“The Westerners maintained their insistence on the occupation of Palestine for over a century. This shows the sensitivity and importance of this issue for the West, while during this period, it dealt with a variety of other important issues. Other issues diminished for the West but the only case over which the West is unified and the passage of time has not changed its strong position on it is the occupation of the Holy Al-Quds. Surprisingly, there are governments in Muslim world that deny the importance of the Palestinian cause, and even worse they side with the Western occupiers and act as an internal factor hitting the pro-liberation agenda.”

The notable point is that as much as the occupation and foundation of the Israeli regime has been an important issue for the West, the resistance to this treasonous Western plot has been an agreed-upon and unforgettable issue for the resistant groups, Mr Zaree went on.

He continued that after 125 years, we see the Western goals have not been realized completely.

“The Islamic resistance not only has never declined but also it has grown stronger. Look back, we can see that after 73 years, the Israeli regime is far from well established, as it faces big political and security quakes. Since 2019, Israelis have held four general elections. Netanyahu lost his chance to form a new government. The president named a new figure and if they fail to reach a consensus, they have to go to the fifth election. This signals that the Zionist regime is not yet even established in the Jewish community and chaos and domestic problems are threatening the regime.”

Touching on other challenges, Mr. Zaree said that Tel Aviv also faces major political and security problems at home; that is, in the face of the Palestinians, and in a regional scale in the face of Muslims.

“Look what security incidents the Israeli regime had in a 12-day period from April 14 to April 26. Regionally speaking, three of its ships were attacked in Fujairah port of the UAE and in the Red Sea, a development putting severely at stake the Israeli foreign trade. Then came the huge explosion in a missile factory around Tel Aviv. The Israelis never revealed the cause of the blast but the site is heavily watched with billion-dollar facilities including Iron Dome air defenses and other systems. Reports suggest that the Israeli regime spent $30 billion to cover Tel Aviv and the sensitive missile factory in Tomer. Next incident, which came after three days, was the Syrian missile hitting near the Dimona nuclear reactor that is the core in the Israeli security. The Israelis tried to portray the incident as a low-level, ordinary incident, claiming that the missile was aimed at an Israeli F-16 fighter jet not the nuclear plant. This claim means that the missile flew 250 kilometers and landed near Israel’s most sensitive site accidentally. Another important development was a huge fire in Haifa. The fire, reportedly, was so big that the Israelis could not contain it.”

“These developments put together, we can talk of critical and fragile conditions the Israeli regime is living these days.”

The Iranian political analyst also commented on the Israeli politics, saying that the recent Knesset initiative reflects the polarization outside the parliament. “So, as much as consensus has been impossible outside the Israeli parliament, there is no consensus inside it. Meanwhile, Netanyahu proposed reference to direct people vote to choose a prime minister. This was an official admission of the Israeli political system’s failure. This is while the Israelis for decades bragged about having a progressive election system as their top political achievement in the region. Admitting the failure has extremely high price for the Israelis. Either the PM is elected directly by people, or by the parliament, or by the president, the Israeli crisis will continue.”

On the other side, resistance groups are expanding across the region, to the Israeli frustration. In Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and other countries anti-Israeli groups that carry Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani’s pro-liberation thoughts are getting stronger. The fight against ISIS was partisan and guerrilla warfare and the future war against the Israelis would be this way. So, the Israeli regime faces well-trained forces who are expanding and waiting for an opportunity to play their own role.

“Some analysts, beguiled by some shallow Israeli political or security maneuvers, think that Tel Aviv has the upper hand in the Palestinian case and in the region. Netanyahu’s photos with the foreign minister of Bahrain, the UAE, and the Sudan may impress some observers but we have to look at the weight of these countries in the Palestinian cause. Others may refer to some Israeli attacks on Syrian and Hezbollah positions in Syria to support their argument that Tel Aviv is the high player on the ground. But we should look at the Syrian developments and know that these attacks that offer cover to the terrorists have not influenced the course of Syrian war against terrorism and Damascus or the Axis of Resistance’s strategy in the Arab country. Tehran-Damascus alliance has been thriving and exploring new aspects.”

Mr Zaree held that the Israeli efforts and actions are to cover up its internal problems, all to calm down the Jewish community. Over the past year, the Israeli regime witnessed daily protests.

“Israeli leaders want to tell the protesters that although the legend of Israeli security was shattered, Tel Aviv is rebuilding its regional security conditions and order. But this is simply false, because the Israeli efforts cannot change the Iranian, Syrian, Yemeni, Palestinian, and Iraqi reality. Actually, Israel’s security future is on the line and the hope for security improvement is eroding.”

Latest polls show that only from 2019 to 2021, the Israeli citizens’ trust in the political system shrunk 26 percent. The figure was 57 percent in 2019. On the opposite side, the Palestinians witnessed power, confidence, and internal unity boost, fueling the hope that more regional support will come to them.

Attacks on Israeli centers in Al-Quds in response to attacks on Palestinian youths

Mr Zaree pointed to the growing unity in Palestine, saying that Ismail Haniyah of Hamas in a speech held that “if the Israelis attack our youths in Al-Quds, we will not sit and watch but will attack the Zionist centers.”

“The peninsula caused by the Israelis that separated Gaza and West Bank now gives place to union. The Palestinian unity in the past produced anti-occupation intifadas and today the history is repeating itself. If the separated parts reunite, they create a 14 million population, while the Jewish population is around 8.5 million. If a political, geographical, military, and operational connection is made between Gaza and West Bank, the Israelis will hardly resist and certainly will break. Just imagine that Gaza decides to attack the Jewish settlements of Al-Quds or West Bank. If it does, securing the settlements would be impossible. If this connection is made, then we will have southern and northern Palestine. This would change the political rhetoric about Palestine.

Syrian strategy against the Israeli regime changing

Syria was another point of discussion for Mr Zaree. He said that recent Syrian reactions to the Israeli aggression and the missile strike on Dimona showed that Damascus self-restraint is ending. So far, the Israelis have been launching attacks and the warplanes flying away after the strikes. But now the missile launch on Dimona is a clear message, telling the Israelis that Syria is changing its strategy. This was the same thing a top Israeli military commander had told the Israeli leaders, warning that the Syrian situation will not remain unchanged and soon Assad’s patience with Tel Aviv will end. “Today signs of the change are emerging.”

The “deal of the century” is over

The recent weeks’ developments demonstrated that the Resistance camp strategy is now blow for blow and plan for plan. Two years after Trump-sponsored deal of the century initiative’s unveiling, it is now being cornered and the Americans again bring to the table the two-state initiative.

“The question is who really foiled the Trump initiative on which the Americans and Israelis heavily invested? Was it the compromising Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, or Sudan? Or they treasonously sided with it? Was it the Palestine’s compromising camp? Mohammad Dahlan and some others inside Palestine supported it. Even the Arab League did not take a clear stance on the initiative. What foiled the plot was the resistance in Palestine and the pro-resistance camp in the region. The failure proved that if the Palestinians and their regional supporters choose the blow for blow strategy, any treasonous initiative will collapse. Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, over 26 pro-occupation initiatives were presented by the West, compromising Arab rulers, and the UN. But all of them failed thanks to resistance by the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the resistant Palestinian factions. Today it is the Palestinians who threaten the Israeli regime. In the 42nd anniversary of the World Quds Day, Palestine enjoys a horizon supported by the nations and governments. Today several governments have the back of the resistance option and in the future armed and comprehensive resistance can tip the scales in favor of the Palestinians. We can today assure that with resistance Palestine will win the struggle and at that time we proudly declare that the Muslim world once again beat the arrogant world.”

