AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Islamic Movement

8 May 2021

5:09:48 AM

Quds 2021

Quds Day in Bauch, Nigeria: "Free Palestine, No To Oppression"

The last Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan has been set aside as Quds Day by the Great Revolutionary Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ruhullah Al Khomeini (QS) in which conscience humanity rally round to protest the occupation of Al Quds by the world Zionist.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The last Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan has been set aside as Quds Day by the Great Revolutionary Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ruhullah Al Khomeini (QS) in which conscience humanity rally round to protest the occupation of Al Quds by the world Zionist.

Last Friday of Ramadan this year falls on Friday 7th of May 2021, in which many cities of the world were glittered with rally in support of Palestine were in Nigeria Followers of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky had organized rally’s in many cities and towns in which Bauchi was one of them, with Mal Ahmad Yashi leading the protest march in the morning.

Participant at the rally that included children, youths, adults and old aged with some despite physically handicapped had carried along with them banners, posters while voicing out the demand for the liberation of Quds and Palestine. They also extended their sympathy of the state of Al-Quds, condemning the terror of Zionist on Palestinians while expressing moral support for the Palestinian Course. The protest rally passed some major streets of central Bauchi city;

The Quds day marchers also voiced their demand for the unconditional release of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky and his wife Malama Zeenatuddeen Ibraheem who since December, 2015 are held by the Nigerian government after killing more than 365 followers of Sheikh Zakzaky with different atrocities that history has recorded and denying his freedom despite the Abuja High court order of Justice Kolawole for an immediate release in December, 2016. They are still held in Kaduna prison despite their state of poor health that demands seeing some specific and professional Doctors.

The Al-Quds protest march also didn’t forget the Nigerian security personnel killings of Al-Quds protest marchers in different cities in Nigeria in different years one of which is the Zaria AL-Quds killings of three of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky children, Ahmad, Hameed and Mahmoud and others.

In a closing speech after the protest march and rally, Mal Ahmad Yashi had expressed Al-Quds had documented at least killing of one Palestinian per day and in a year it means 365 killings is recorded and with 75 years passing what will be the record of the killed Palestinians? Should we stay and remain silent of these atrocities?

A flag of Zionist was burnt and its supporters, and a closing prayer by Mal Ahmad Yashi marked the peaceful end of the support march of Al-Quds in Bauchi, Nigeria 2021.
