AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ABNA24.com

28 April 2021

7:43:25 AM


Celebrating historic meeting btwn Pope Francis & Ayatullah Sistani; Beginning of a new phase in Interfaith Relations in Cape Town

Celebrating historic meeting btwn Pope Francis & Ayatullah Sistani; Beginning of a new phase in Interfaith Relations in Cape Town capital of South Africa 27th April 2021.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): LAUNCH OF PLATFORM FOR THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUE AND PRACTICAL ETHICS; Celebrating the Historic Meeting between Pope Francis and Ayatullah Sistani.
Some pictures of 27th April 2021 event that marks the beginning of a new phase in Interfaith Relations in Cape Town. The program consisted of the following elements:
1. Qira'ah - Recital from the Holy Quran Chapter Maryam by Syed Kumayl Haider
2. Opening and Welcome - by Program Coordinator Muhammad Khalid Sayed (Member of Parliament in the Western Cape Legislature)
3. Brief Video Clip of the Visit of Pope Francis to Ayatullah Sistani
4. Keynote Address by Catholic Archbishop Stephen Brislin
5. Speech by Imam Dr Rashid Omar (Claremont Main Road Mosque) reflecting on levels of Interfaith Engagement and the Significance of the launch of this platform
6. Speech by Reverend Mark Long (Representative of Anglican Archbishop Thabo Makgoba and Chairman of Western Cape Religious Leaders Forum) reflecting on the Document of Human Fraternity
7. Speech by Reverend B. Berry (Chairperson of Cape Town Interfaith Initiative) offering message of support
8. Speech by Professor Aslam Fataar (Professor of Education at Stellenbosch University) offering message of support
9. Video clip of Pope Francis interview on the aeroplane post his meeting with Ayatullah Sistani and his Reflections
10. Speech by Father Christopher Clohessy (Lecturer at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome / renowned international scholar on Shia Islam) reflecting on the significance of the Pope's visit to Ayatullah Sistani and the potential for using the Document on Human Fraternity as the basis for the Platform for Theological Dialogue and Practical Ethics.
11. Concluding speech by Mowlana Syed Aftab Haider (National Coordinator of Ahlul Bait Foundation of South Africa / Director of Ahlul Bait (a.s) Masjid Complex, Ottery) reflecting on the message of Ayatullah Sistani and the principle points that should underpin the Platform.
12. Closing prayer - by Father Peter John Pearson  (Catholic Parliamentary Liason Office)
Ahlul Bait (a.s) Mosque Complex sincerely appreciates the efforts of all those involved in this launch and looks forward to the next engagement.