AhlulBayt News Agency

source : al-Maaref

28 April 2021

4:31:45 AM

Imam Hasan Mujtaba Knowledge of Holy Qur'an

A Man came to Ibn Abbas and Ibn ‘Umar, and asked the interpretations of SHAAHID (Witness) and MASH-HOOD (One who is witnessed) in the Holy Quran.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A Man came to Ibn Abbas and Ibn ‘Umar, and asked the interpretations of SHAAHID (Witness) and MASH-HOOD (One who is witnessed) in the Holy Quran.

Ibn Abbas said, “SHAAHID was the day of Friday whereas MASH-HOOD referred to the day of ‘Arafah”. Ibn ‘Umar said, “SHAAHID was the day of Friday but MASH-HOOD refers to the day of sacrifice in Hajj”.

The man then went to Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (AS) and asked him the same question. Imam (AS) said, “SHAAHID is the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) and MASH- HOOD refers to the day of Judgement”. When the man asked the Imam (AS) to prove the same from the Holy Quran, Imam (AS) recited the following two verses from the Holy Quran:

O Prophet! Surely We have sent you as a SHAAHID (witness) and as a bearer of good news and as a warner. (33:45)﴿

This is the day on which people shall be gathered together and this is the day of MASH-HOOD (that shall be witnessed)﴿. (11:103)

When the man heard this, he said, “The reply of al-Hasan is better”.

Imam Hasan's Recitation of the Holy Qur'an

Shaykh Sadooq (a.r.) has reported that:

[Whenever Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (AS) recited the Holy Quran and came across the verse, which begins with “O you who have faith!” Imam (AS) would pause and say, “O Lord! Here I am responding to your call”.]
(Aamaali of Shaykh Sadooq)

It is also reported that Imam Hasan (AS) had the habit of reciting Surah al-Kahf (Chapter 18) from the Holy Quran every night before sleeping.
(Tareekh Ibn Katheer)

Why is there a particular mention of this Surah? Ayatullah Shaykh Ali Karimi states that: This Surah talks about hope of waking up after sleep just as was the case of ‘As-haabe Kahf’ (the people of the cave), which has been described therein. Perhaps it also directs us to the fact that whether one sleeps for a short or long time, to wake him up is in the power of Allah alone. Therefore, one should never be negligent about the Manager of all affairs (Allah) especially because if He wills, He can make one sleep for very long and if He wills, He can take away one’s soul during sleep such that there is no return into this world after that. (Quran-o-‘Itrat)

Guidance for Seeking Forgiveness

Ibn Rabee’ bin Sabeeh has reported that:
[A person came to Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (AS) and began to complain about the absence of rain. Imam (AS) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then a man came and said, “Pray to Allah that he should grant me a son”. Imam (AS) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”. Then, yet another man came and complained to Imam (AS) about poverty. Imam (AS) told him, “Seek forgiveness from Allah”.

The narrator asked, “People have come to you with different kinds of problems and you have offered one solution to all and that is to seek forgiveness?”

Imam (AS), “I have said nothing from myself rather I have based my answer on the verse (of Quran) in which Allah says: I told them: Plead to your Lord for forgiveness, indeed He is all-forgiver. He will send for you abundant rains from the sky, and aid you with wealth and sons, and provide you with gardens and provide you with streams. (71:10-12)﴿.] (Quran-o-‘Itrat)

It is also narrated that:

[When Imam Hasan (AS) was going towards Mu’awiya, one of his followers joined him briefly in his walk and said, “I am a wealthy man but I have not been blessed with children. Could you please teach me something so that Allah grants me with a child?” Imam (AS) said to him, “Do Istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah)”.

The man returned and followed the advice of Imam (AS) so much as that many a time he would seek forgiveness seven hundred times a day. Eventually, he was blessed with ten sons.

When Mu’awiya was informed about this incident, he said, “Have you not asked him the reason for it?” He then sent a man to Imam (AS) to inquire about it. Imam (AS) said,

Haven’t you heard the statement of Hud: “O my people! Plead with your Lord for forgiveness, then turn to Him penitently: He will send copious rains for you from the sky, and add power to your (present) power. So do not turn your backs (on Him) as guilty ones. (11:52)﴿

And the statement of Nuh: I told them: Plead to your Lord for forgiveness, indeed He is all-forgiver. He will send for you abundant rains from the sky, and aid you with wealth and sons, and provide you with gardens and provide you with streams﴿. (71:10-12)”.]
