AhlulBayt News Agency

source : ICRO

12 January 2021

4:34:33 AM

Algerian Journalist: General Soleimani 'Martyr of Holy Quds'

A prominent Algerian Journalist and cultural activist, Ms. Hena Saade, in her meeting with Iranian Cultural Attaché to Algiers, Seyed Jalal Jaafari Mir Aghaee, condoled the first martyrdom anniversary of General Soleimani to the Supreme Leader and the Iranian nation and said General Haj Qasem Soleimani was the martyr of the Holy Quds.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A prominent Algerian Journalist and cultural activist, Ms. Hena Saade, in her meeting with Iranian Cultural Attaché to Algiers, Seyed Jalal Jaafari Mir Aghaee, condoled the first martyrdom anniversary of General Soleimani to the Supreme Leader and the Iranian nation and said General Haj Qasem Soleimani was the martyr of the Holy Quds.

According to public Relations Department of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), she also said that Soleimani sacrificed his life in defending the humanity without taking boundaries into consideration, adding that martyr Soleimani rushed to defend any oppressed people anywhere regardless of their religious affiliation, nationality and language and showcased the justice seeking and anti-oppression image of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

 The prominent Algerian Journalist has written several articles about Martyr Soleimani in Arabic, English and Persian languages and published them in Algeria, Iran and Palestine. She described General Soleimani as the greatest world Strategist.

Ms. Hena Saada, said Martyr Soleimani had significant human loving and ethical nature and his martyrdom made Muslims, Christians, Ezadis, Kurds, Persians, Arabs, Shiites, Sunnis, Iranians and non- Iranians sad and mournful.

Iranian Cultural Attaché for his part highlighted the role of the school of thought of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in nursing pious and morale individuals like Martyr Soleimani.

Jaafari Mir Aghaee, also thanked the Algerian Journalist and cultural activist for promoting the path taken by Martyr Soleimani and called for further cooperation between Iranian and Algerian elites in cultural areas.
