AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Yemen Press

23 December 2020

5:52:45 AM

Tunisia rejects any intention to normalize relations with “Israeli Regime”

The Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that all “rumors spread about Tunisia’s intention to normalize relations with Israel are unfounded,” noting that this position “will not be affected by international changes.”

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that all “rumors spread about Tunisia’s intention to normalize relations with Israel are unfounded,” noting that this position “will not be affected by international changes.”

The Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: “All allegations that Tunisia intend to normalize with Israel are baseless and completely contradictory to the official and principled position of the Republic of Tunisia in support of the just Palestinian cause and supportive of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.”

The Ministry affirmed, “the firm position of the President of the Republic, Qais Saeed, who emphasized on several occasions that the rights of the Palestinian people are neither disposable nor forfeited by prescription, foremost among which is their right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent state with Holy al-Quds as its capital.”

The Ministry added: “This principled position stems from the will of the Tunisian people and expresses the feelings of solidarity and absolute support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, which were guaranteed to them by various international references and the decisions of the United Nations and its various organs, especially the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, as adopted by many international organizations and other regional ”.

The Ministry expressed “its complete conviction that a just, lasting and comprehensive peace cannot be established in the region without implementing the international legitimacy decisions regarding the rights of the Palestinian people to recover their stolen land and establish their independent state.”

The Ministry pointed out that “Tunisia respects the sovereign positions of various countries, and affirms that its position is constant and principled, which will never be affected by changes in the international arena, it also reflects what the President of the Republic has expressed, on more than one occasion, about the concept of normalization, which is considered misplaced because the situation The natural thing is for the Palestinian people to recover their full and undiminished rights. ”
