AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

20 December 2020

6:12:15 AM

Workshop held for Imams of mosques in Uganda

An educational workshop on the role of Muslim leaders in disseminating peace, unity, development and fighting violence was organized in Uganda.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): An educational workshop on the role of Muslim leaders in disseminating peace, unity, development and fighting violence was organized in Uganda.

According to the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, the workshop was jointly held by the Iranian Cultural Center in Kampala and the Organization for Uganda Muslims’ Social Development and Innovation.

The town of Mpigi in Mawokota County, Mpigi District, in Central Uganda hosted the program, attended by Friday prayer leaders, religious leaders, social activists and judges.

The executive director of the organization, Iranian cultural attaché in Uganda, the senior judge of the town and a judge in the western Buganda regions of the country were the instructors at the workshop.

Mentioning some of the consequences of violence and ignorance in the society, the judge of the Mpigi said in the program that Islam has presented guidelines and examples of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) life for leading the society.

He appreciated the Iranian center’s support for promoting knowledge among the religious leaders of the African country through holding educational workshops and seminars which are also influential in development of Uganda.

Religious leaders of the region try to reach mutual human growth and development, which is the objective of Islam, through cultural and educational cooperation and experience exchange with Iranian scholars, he added.

The participants at the workshop were gifted a copy of “Dastan-e Rastan” in the Luganda language and “Iran, cradle of religions peaceful coexistence” in English.

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