AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Islamic Movement

17 December 2020

7:50:16 AM

Five years of illegal incarceration;

Buhari Regime must free oppressed El- Zakzaky and his wife now

It was between 12th to 14th December 2015 that the Zaria massacre was executed by the Nigerian Army, under the pretext of road blockage to the convoy of Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen. Tukur Buratai.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): By: Dauda Nalado, PhD

Introduction: The global affairs are being controlled by those hegemons with the veto power in the United nations. The western imperial powers are part and parcel of these. The current neo colonialism effort in the third world, Africa and the middle east in particular, is spearheaded by USA and western Europe. The apartheid zionist Israeli regime is controlling these powers. Nigerian government has no power or control over its resources and security system. 

The capitalist economy of Nigeria based on its natural resources more especially crude oil, is in the hands of these powers. Nigerian security, are mere tools being paid, without clear vision of what is happening. behind the scene. In Nigeria of today, many key issues are  being planned and designed from America. Boko Haram I (false flag terror in the North East) and Boko Haram II (cattle rustling, armed banditry and kidnappings in North west and North central) crises, could be described as hoax and smoke –screen to usurp Nigerian resources (gold, platinum, uranium etc., in addition to crude oil) by making the country a failed state and by suppressing Islamic revival. The imperial powers foresaw that the Islamic awakening is the only stumbling block to the accomplishment of their predator agenda. The Zaria massacre is an international agenda to assassinate leader of this impending societal awakening and thwart any associated movement. Their stooges in Nigeria, Buhari, Buratai, El-Rufai and co. are tools used to facilitate this evil pogrom of the century in order to satisfy their lust for power.

The Zaria massacre

 It was between 12th to 14th December 2015 that the Zaria massacre was executed by the Nigerian Army, under the pretext of road blockage to the convoy of Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen. Tukur Buratai. Well armed soldiers attacked Husainiyya, Gyallesu (the residence of Sheikh Zakzaky,) and Darur Rahmah sites with live ammunition. They spent more then 48 hours of continuous shooting and even shelling using grenades on civilian targets without any form of provocation. More than 1000 people among men, women and children were extra judiciously killed. The residence at Gyallesu was set ablaze by the rampaging soldiers while people were indoors. Many injured women men and children were burnt alive. El- Zakzaky, wife, children and some handful followers miraculously survived the fire. They took cover under the laundry when, by God’s grace, the overhead water tank busted to provide them shield from the fire. The ravaging soldiers later discovered that these people were alive and rushed to accomplish their evil mission. The few followers, three male children of El- Zakzaky, namely, Ali, Hammad and Humaid were killed instantly in succession by snipers. His wife, Zeenat, was shot severally at close range more specifically in the abdomen. Sheikh El Zakzaky was shot at close range. Specifically the poisoned bullets were targeted at the lethal parts of the his body: the skull, the eye, left hand and the thigh blood vein. His battered body was dragged over the dead bodies of his children. Despite this ordeal, El- Zakzaky and his wife survived miraculously. They were abducted by the Army and handed over to the secret police , DSS. The duo were kept in what the DSS later claimed to be “protective custody”.

 .And a soul will not die but with the permission of Allah the term is fixed; and whoever desires the reward of this world, I shall give him of it, and whoever desires the reward of the hereafter I shall give him of it, and I will reward the grateful.”  Quran 3.145 

The Army also handed over more than 200 injured victims to the police. They constituted rubbish charges against these victims including that of culpable homicide on one corporal Dan Kaduna. Satellite Images by the Amnesty International exposed presence of mass grave to cover evidence of the genocide.This forced the Secretary to Kaduna State goverment to attest to the kangaroo Judicial commision of inquiry, JCI set by El- Rufai that 347 combined women, men and children were buried overnight in mass grave at Mando in the outskirts of Kaduna. 

Aftermath of the Zaria massacre

It was in January 2016 that the Governor Nasir El-Rufa’i of Kaduna State set up a Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate on the Zaria massacre.The membership was tactfully drawn. Some of the members appointed in this commission were drawn from arch antagonists of Sheikh Zakzaky and the Islamic Movement he leads. This was attested through their public demonization and through their writings in books, print and social media (Examples: Prof. Umar Labdo, Prof. Salisu Shehu and Malam Salihu Abubakar). During its sittings, for reasons better known to it, the commission did not seek the indulgence of DSS to allow the principal witness and victim, Sheikh Zakzaky, to give his own account of the pogrom. On the other hand, the Army was allowed to testify. This was a clear indication that the commission was bent to be partial and discriminatory. Hence disciples of the Sheikh decided not to partake in its deliberations. At the end of its deliberations in July same year, the commission could not cover the heinous crime of the Nigerian Army and declared that they used excessive force against their rules of engagement. The General Officer Commanding the Nigerian Army (One Division), Kaduna, Gen. Adeniyi Oyebade, together with some senior officers, were indicted and recommended for prosecution.The Report, however, kept mute on the role of Buhari, Mr President, as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Could he be ignorant of the large scale operation involving the movement of many troops and military hardware being executed for over 48 hours continuously?

Meanwhile, Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife have dragged the relevant authorities to court challenging their custody in the hands of the DSS and sought for their fundamental human rights to freedom. On 2nd December, 2016, The Federal High court at the FCT, Abuja,   ordered for the discharge, acquittal and compensation to the duo. Justice Gabriel Kolawole ruled that the detention of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife Malama Zeenat was illegal and debunked the rather strange concept of protective custody and said it is alien to the Nigerian Law.He ordered their unconditional releaseNOT bail. He ordered that they must be compensated with 50 m Naira each and government must build a befitting house for them since their own was razed to ashes by the Army.The President, Buhari, the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami (SAN) and the Director General, DSS all exhibited contempt to this court ruling and continued to keep the duo under illegal incarceration up to today.

Throughout this period, the duo were in need of urgent medical attention due to their lethal injuries. Sheikh El Zakzaky has serious lead and cadmium poisons in his blood even above the lethal dose but still survives by the grace of God. This was partly due to the remnant bullets in his body and partly due to concurred case of deliberate poisoning of the Sheikh in detention by the DSS operatives.He has bullet shrapnels embedded in parts of his skull. Malama Zeenatudden has bullets in her abdomen and her osteo arthritis was deliberately unattended to. Now she could not walk only to be pushed on the wheel chair! Imagine this utter wickedness from Buhari and his partners in crime.

After two and half years of the Zaria genocide(In May 2018) in what could be rtermed as afterthought, Buhari, Malami and co. connived with Elrufai, Bayero Dari and co. to institute a case against a case. At the Kaduna high court under Justice Gideon Kurada, El-Rufa’i put up some charges against the victims of their atrocities, El-Zakzaky and wife. These charges include abetting murder (culpable homicide). With this development, the duo were dragged to Kaduna from Abuja, still under illegal DSS custody.

It could be recalled that there were over 200 victims of Zaria genocide who were charged by the police. They were kept in Kaduna dilapidated Prison (or is it "correctional center") awaiting trial since the Zaria pogrom in 2015. Their case involved among others, charges of culpable homicide . The case was split and treated by two different high courts. It is this same murder case of one Army Corporal Dankaduna that El- rufa’i referred to in the illicit trial of El-Zazaky.The first set, consisting of 100 victims was discharged and acquitted for wanton of evidence and disparity of the time of the victim’s death vis a vis the timing of the Zaria massacre. The announcement of the judgment of the second set was delayed. They were also discharged and acwuitted as before.These judgements have  implications on the illegal charges put up   against El- Zakzaky and wife. This is because if those charged with murder were discharged and acquitted for want of evidence, what more of somebody who was alleged to abet same? Definitely he/she has no case. The twin cases, however, continue to be delayed.

Meanwhile the conditions of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife continued to deteriorate. Specialist medical team of international refute, whose coming was reluctantly allowed by the Buhari junta has made it categorically clear that there was no health facility with the capable hands and equipment in Nigeria to cater for the conditions of the duo. They recommended appropriate facility abroad. All these fell into the deaf and dumb ears of Buhari. So the Government kept on foot dragging to allow the duo medical trip.There were a lot of pressures from people of conscience, calls by Nigerian populace and daily protests in the FCT, Abuja. They were forced to yield.

In August 2019, the court granted medical bail to the duo for travel and treatment to Medanta Hospital in India under supervision by Security operatives. This time around the DSS, after obtaining the nod from Buhari, were not contemptuous of the court order. However the trip was hijacked using the operatives of the NIA in collaboration with their global overlords. Sheikh Zakzaky discovered that there was a sinister move to kill him under the cover of medical treatment in a foreign land. They were forced to come back to their mother land without getting the direly needed treatment. The duo since after their return from the failed trip, were kept at the DSS custody incommunicado. All of a sudden, their case was slated for 5th December, 2019.

Without recourse to the hijacked medical trip to India, the judge ruled out that the duo should be transferred to the dilapidated Kaduna Prison under the pretext that the defendants could be able to have access to their solicitors. The solicitors have made application to quash all the charges against the duo based on previous judgements and other relevant legal facts. Yet the court procedure is continuously being delayed. All these while it is now that the "rubbish and nonsense" charges were read to rhe duo. as if the case is started afresh. When will this theatre end? This case is making a mockery of the Nigerian judiciary. 


Buhari and his partners in crime continue to facilitate foreign agenda in Nigeria foremost of which is the killing of Sheikh El Zakzaky and balkanizing the country. No one is left in doubt that those in Authority are bent on perpetual incarceration of El- Zakzaky and his wife so that the Sheikh can die in detention due to his critical ailments. Wicked people continue to misuse their political office and rubbish our legal system because of their selfish interests.For how long can President Buhari with his front, governor El-rufai continue to oppress Sheikh El- Zakzaky?

Falsehood, treachery, no matter how long, can never stand. Ultimately, it is the TRUTH that prevails. It is time for Justice. It is time to stop this gruesome crime against an oppressed personality and indeed a crime against humanity.It is time to save Nigeria from the claws of imperial powers. The people of conscience, patriotic citizens, people with humanity in their minds must unite and raise alarm against the continued illegal detention of El Zakzaky and his wife with its attendant consequences to the stability of our dear motherland. It is time to save Nigeria from avoidable crises.The activities on this regard should be prioritized at the FCT, Abuja. Already there exist a lot of activism at Abuja axis in this direction. These activities need to be strengthened through all legitimate means possible. Allah will crown all these efforts with final victory. It is the promise of God and God ever fulfils HIS promise. Buhari must free Zakzaky and now! Otherwise history is there to replicate the similitude of what happened in the ordeal between the servant of Allah Moses who stood against the oppression of Pharaoh(Firon) to his people, thus: "We recite to you from the account of Musa and Firon with truth for people who believe. Surely Firon exalted himself in the land and made its people into parties, weakening one party from among them; he slaughtered their sons and let their women live; surely he was one of the mischief makers.  And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the leaders, and to make them the heirs,  And to grant them power in the land, and to make Firon and Haman and their hosts see from them what they feared. " SURAH AL-QASAS 28 (THE NARRATIVE 3-6).


By Dauda Nalado, PhD