AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib News

13 December 2020

4:31:31 AM

"Dividing Muslims, global diplomacy of enemies": Iran's ambassador to Ethiopia

Iran's envoy to Ethiopia has stressed importance of boosting solidarity among world Muslims warning that to divide Muslim communities is a global plan by enemies of Islam.

AhlulBayt News Agency: Iran's charge d'affaires ad interim, Samad Ali Lakizadeh, has met with Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council, Grand Mufti Haji Omar Idris in Addis Ababa to stress importance of Islamic unity.


Iranian envoy in this meeting related on the demography of Muslims and diversity of denominations in Iran and highlighted the key role of boosting unity among Muslims.


Samad Ali Lakizadeh warned of efforts to divide Muslims as the diplomacy of enemies and noted desecration of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Qur'an burning as measures in line with the same objective.


Iranian ambassador invited Haji Omar Idris to visit Iran and exchange views with the Shia and Sunni scholars in the country.
