By Stephen Lendman
There was another terrorist incident that took place in Iran. It could happen anywhere in the Middle East against targeted countries. Certainly in the Middle East, Iran is the leading tug of the US, of Israel, some of their allied regional states, the Saudis of the Persian Gulf states, the NATO countries.
Terrible stuff that goes on with no accountability ever. Nobody ever held accountable for the stuff that goes on. Well, a prominent Iranian physicist was gunned down and killed by gunfire. Maybe mixed with some other activities that went on. I think he was gunned down if I'm wrong, you can correct this in the report. But killed by, let's say at this point, an unknown assassin, or assassins. Maybe Iran has some information, who is behind this.
There's no question that either was an Israeli act of murder or a US CIA act of murder. Or maybe they worked in cahoots with each other, which they do very, very often in the Middle East elsewhere.
Israel even operates far distant from the Middle East in service to US interest, in Central America, maybe in South America. It's amazing what on earth does Israel want to get involved in those parts of the world.
Well, when the US has its officials to do it to do a favor, meaning a terrorist favor bumping somebody off or something like that. Well, Israel jumps in and does it.
It also trains forces to commit crimes against humanity in other countries. That could happen anywhere in the world, but here another prominent Iranian who threatened nobody, a peaceful individual gunned down, murdered in cold blood, probably by the CIA, or Israel, or both of them.
And it happens too often time and again. It'll happen again. It'll happen many times. Accountability maybe one day will come. I don't know if I'll ever live long enough to see it. There should be accountability. There is such a thing as international law.
In the US is the US Constitution and the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution mandates that all international laws are automatically US constitutional law, which means its officials have to obey them. But of course, they don't. They do what they please. They operate by their own rules. Israel operates the same way. So do other NATO countries, the Saudis, the Bahrainis. These people do whatever they please.
And as long as you have Uncle Sam's okay nobody ever says a word about it. US media say nothing about it. I'm sure there was nothing in the US media about the latest Iranian casualty murdered in cold blood. New York Times, forget about it. They don't say anything about it. They never say anything about it. It'll go on and on until maybe one day something will happen. I don't think I'll live long enough to see it.