AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

24 November 2020

7:05:34 AM

Georgian religious figures criticize French Islamophobia

Religious leaders in Georgia underlined the need for respecting religions in the world, decrying the recent Islamophobic moves in France.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Religious leaders in Georgia underlined the need for respecting religions in the world, decrying the recent Islamophobic moves in France.

The leaders of the Caucasian country’s faiths held a gathering in Tbilisi last week on the occasion of International Day for Tolerance.

The participants stressed the necessity for interreligious dialogue and good relations among followers of different faiths.

They also called for tolerance in order for promoting peace and coexistence in the world.

The religious figures also criticized Islamophobic polices and publication of insulting cartoons in France.

On Oct. 2, French President Emmanuel Macron announced a controversial plan to tackle what he calls “Islamic separatism” in France, claiming that the faith of Islam is in “crisis” all over the world and promising to “free Islam in France from foreign influences”.

Later, Macron defended blasphemous cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), saying France would “not give up our cartoons” after the brutal murder of high school teacher Samuel Paty, who showed provocative caricatures in a class.

The past few weeks have witnessed the republication of cartoons insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in France which sparking a wave of anger and protests across the Islamic world and campaigns have been launched in some countries to boycott French products.

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