AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Tehran Times

23 November 2020

6:01:20 AM

Reason behind why S. Arabia so envious of Islamic Republic of Iran

For example, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, has said the kingdom reserves the right to arm itself with nuclear weapons if Iran cannot be stopped from building atomic arms.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Their resentment of Iran is entering a new stage as their highly favored president, Donald Trump, will leave the White House in two months.

For example, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, has said the kingdom reserves the right to arm itself with nuclear weapons if Iran cannot be stopped from building atomic arms.
“It’s definitely an option,” al-Jubeir told the DPA news agency in a recent interview.

Jubeir, who is pretending as a fool, talked in a way as if Iran is on the path to build nuclear weapons.

Obviously, he is quite aware of the nature of Iran’s nuclear program. He knows that Iran’s nuclear activities are subject to the most intrusive inspections in the history of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency.

Al-Jubeir is making such remarks just because he and certain other officials in the region are unsettled that President-elect Joe Biden has said he plans to return to the 2015 nuclear deal – JCPOA - that Trump illegally abrogated and imposed the harshest ever sanctions in history against Iran.

The deceiving remarks by al-Juberi, whose country along Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu cheered Trump’s exit from the JCPOA, are primarily intended to put pressure on the incoming U.S. president whose administration is legally tasked to honor the nuclear agreement.

As a person who has served as the Saudi ambassador to the United Nations in New York, al-Jubeir knows that the JCPOA is endorsed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and its observation is obligatory.

On cannot find a convincing answer for such a degree of enmity and greediness toward Iran by Saudi rulers. On the contrary, Iran has never said that Saudi Arabia has no right to make use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes under the eyes of the UN nuclear watchdog.

Today many countries such as Japan, Finland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Sweden, South Korea, and Argentina are using nuclear energy to produce electricity. Iran, like certain other countries, also has legitimate right to develop nuclear energy for civilian purposes.

Also Saudi Arabia has embarked on diversifying its energy resources, something which has been confirmed by the IAEA. This is its right as a signatory to the NPT.

Iran’s nuclear program has been politicized just because it is opposed to Israeli apartheid in Palestine. Amidst the politicization of Iran’s nuclear program, Saudi Arabia does not miss any opportunity to vent its anger and hatred of Iran and spread lies about Iran’s nuclear program.

More enmity and jealousy against Iran, surely will not make tribal officials in Riyadh look strong.
