AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib news

31 October 2020

4:48:51 AM

Sheikh Isa Qassim details tradition of affliction in Opening ceremony of Islamic Unity Conference 2020

Sheikh Isa Qassim, senior Bahraini cleric has detailed his views on tradition of affliction in a speech at the opening ceremony of 34th Islamic Unity Conference held online on Thursday October 29th due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Sheikh Isa Qassim, senior Bahraini cleric has detailed his views on tradition of affliction in a speech at the opening ceremony of 34th Islamic Unity Conference held online on Thursday October 29th due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

Leader of the Shia community in Bahrain related on the tradition of affliction at the opening ceremony of the 34th Islamic Unity Conference on "Islamic Cooperation in Face of Calamities and Disasters", reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

The cleric in his speech noted the capability of affliction to enable people learn divine wisdom and defined affliction as manifestation of human reality with allusions to the holy Qur'an.

He noted that mental, intellectual and spiritual abilities of human beings are activated through hardships and challenges which are part of a divine test.

According to the senior religious figure calamities are God's way to shake people firmly and push them from the path of fire and destruction to the path of salvation and victory.

Sheikh Isa Qassim in another part of reasons for calamities challenging human being noted that man is afflicted with the worldly calamities so that people endure their punishment here instead of the Hereafter.

Top Bahraini cleric made the speech at the opening ceremony of the 34th Islamic Unity Conference which is held online for the first time since the beginning of the event in 1987 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought led by Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari has scheduled the 34th Islamic Unity Conference in a 6-day event concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) dubbed as "Islamic Unity Week."

Prominent Muslim intellectuals and elites from across the globe will deliver 360 lectures regarding the most important issues of the Muslim world during the Islamic Unity Conference 2020 which is scheduled to be held on October 29th to November 3rd.

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