AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Taghrib news

28 October 2020

5:43:56 AM

Ayatollah Arafi calls on Muslim intellectuals to block paths for sacrilege of Islamic sanctities

Ayatollah Alireza A'rafi, director of seminaries in Iran has issued a message following French President, Emmanuel Macron's, support for cartoons desecrating Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) calling on Muslim intellectuals to block the paths for sacrilege of Islamic sanctities.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA):  Ayatollah Alireza A'rafi, director of seminaries in Iran has issued a message following French President, Emmanuel Macron's, support for cartoons desecrating Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) calling on Muslim intellectuals to block the paths for sacrilege of Islamic sanctities.

The cleric in his message has slammed French president over the recent bill submitted to the country's parliament over restricting religious activities of Muslims and also his support for the sacrilegious cartoons urging the elites and authorities in Muslim countries to take immediate actions and block the paths for perpetrators and also boost solidarity among Abrahamic religions.

"Elites, top figures and authorities in Muslim countries and other religions should take swift action to block the paths for torch-bearers of desecration" said the cleric in this message and added," and provide the grounds for boosting solidarity and constructive cooperation among Abrahamic religions across the globe."

Ayatollah A'rafi expressed regret over desecration of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) under the pretext of freedom of expression and said," Strangely enough claimants of civilization and presidents in countries with a background of looting eastern countries and killing millions of people allow desecration of the prophet of blessings and manifest of morality and shamelessly call it as freedom of expression."

"There should be a reason that world community witnesses the respect of Iranian nation for all sacred religions and holy books and compare that with aggressive approach followed by western countries to find the true moral values taught by Islam" said the cleric.

Ayatollah A'rafi, director of Iran seminaries wrote the lines in a message issued following French President Emmanuel Macron's support for cartoons desecrating Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

World Muslims have staged protests since reprinting of derogatory cartoons against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). This is while some countries have also launched campaigns to ban purchase of French products in opposition with French President's support for the Islamophobia in the European country.

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