AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IRNA

27 October 2020

4:19:39 AM

Top commander blasts France for attributing terrorist acts to religion of mercy, rationality

Chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said on Monday that Western governments, including the French government, want to attribute the brutal terrorist acts to the religion of mercy, wisdom and rationality, that is, dear Islam.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said on Monday that Western governments, including the French government, want to attribute the brutal terrorist acts to the religion of mercy, wisdom and rationality, that is, dear Islam.

He made the remarks in reaction to the recent statements of French president late on Monday, reiterating that they have created Takfiri and terrorist groups such as Daesh and have understood nothing of Islam.

French President Emmanuel Macron's anti-human rights rhetoric in support of the continued publication of blasphemous cartoons against the Holy Prophet (PBUH), which he described as a support for the values ​​of secularism, once again exposed the nature of those claiming to be advocating human rights.

It also revealed that, contrary to international rules and principles, they do not pay the slightest attention to respecting the divine religions, Baqeri said, noting that no excuse for insulting other religions can be found in any of the legal and international documents.

Condemning the French government and president for insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as well as the restrictions imposed on Muslims in that country, Baqeri called on the world's elites and thinkers to ask the French rulers and statesmen to set aside this dangerous game and do not play with the religious emotions, interests and feelings of the nations, especially more than one and a half billion Muslims, more than this.

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