AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Daily Mail

22 October 2020

7:03:25 AM

Islamophobia in France: Two Muslim women stabbed under Eiffel Tower in Paris

Islamophobia in France: Two Muslim women stabbed under Eiffel Tower in Paris. French police have arrested two female suspects after an argument about dogs allegedly descended into violence and racist insults including the words 'Dirty A....'.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Two Muslim women were 'stabbed repeatedly' under the Eiffel Tower amid rising tensions in Paris.

French police have arrested two female suspects after an argument about dogs allegedly descended into violence and racist insults including the words 'Dirty A....'.

One of the Muslim women said the attackers had pulled out a knife after refusing to put their dogs on a leash and slashed her on the skull, arm and ribs.  

The victims of Sunday's attacks have been identified as French women from an Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger.

Those in custody are described as being white women of 'European appearance', who now face 'attempted murder' charges, said city prosecutors.

'We had gone out for a walk. At the level of the Eiffel Tower there is a small rather dark park, we took a little tour in it. As we walked, there were two dogs that come towards us,' Kenza told Liberation newspaper.

'The children got scared. My cousin, who was veiled, asked the two women if it was possible to keep their dogs with them because the children were afraid.'

After they refused, 'one of the two took out a knife, she slashed me on the skull, on the back on the ribs and there was a third blow on the arm,' said Kenza. 'They then attacked my cousin.'  

Members of France's five million plus Muslim community have complained of 'Islamophobia' caused by a clampdown on mosques and Muslim organisations.

Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up in hospital with a punctured lung, while surgery was carried out on one of Amel's hands, said an investigating source.

No information was initially released about the attack, leading to uproar on social media, where confirmed images from the scene circulated.

A chilling video records screaming as the stabbings are carried out on Sunday evening. Police confirmed the incident had taken place last night.

A statement from Paris Police read: 'On October 18, at around 8pm, the police intervened following an emergency call from two women wounded by knives on the Champs-de-Mars' – the Field of Mars by the Eiffel Tower.

A source at the Paris prosecutors' office confirmed on Wednesday: 'An investigation for attempted murder has been opened in connection with the stabbings.'

One of the victims wore a face covering, but it was not clear whether this was because of the Covid-19 pandemic, or for cultural or religious reasons.

At around 8pm, the two women with the dogs allegedly pulled out a knife, and launched themselves at Kenza and Amel.

Witnesses say they heard smears including 'Dirty A...!' and 'Go home to your own country'. 'Call the emergency services, she stabbed him,' was also heard.

Two local shop workers then intervened and held one of the attackers down until the police arrived. The second suspect was arrested later.
