AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Pakistan Shiite News

21 October 2020

9:14:48 AM

Top Pakistani Shi'ite Cleric: Shia Islam recognize infallible leaders as per order of Prophet Mohammad

Hafiz Riaz Hussain Najafi said that God send Prophets (PBUT) for guidance of humanity and five among them enjoy distinguished superior status.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Shia Islam recognize infallible leaders as per order of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), said Allama Hafiz Riaz Hussain Najafi the veteran Shia Islamic cleric heads Federation of Pakistani Shia Islamic seminaries and leads Jamiatul Muntazir Islamic university in Lahore.

However, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the most distinguished, prominent and leader of all Prophets of God (PBUT); hence superior to all.

Furthermore, Allama Najafi said that God asked faithful if they adore God, they should follow Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

He said that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) asked faithful to adore his Ahle Bayt (PBUT). He said faithful adores God, his Prophet Mohammad and his Ahlul Bayt (PBUT).

Hafiz Riaz Hussain Najafi said that only Shia Islam recognizes leadership of infallible from among Ahlul Bayt (PBUT) whom Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had himself introduced.

He said that at Ghadir, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had formally announced who would lead faithful after him (as Maula).

Moreover, he also called for reforms within Islamic oratory and preaching style.

He said Islamic preachers and orators should attract and convince people through factual and logical arguments.
