AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Iran Press

2 February 2020

1:24:31 PM

Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani warns against 'deal of century'

Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani urged Muslims, especially Islamic scholars, to take seriously the conspiracy to destroy the Palestinian cause, warning against the disgraceful Deal of the Century.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani urged Muslims, especially Islamic scholars, to take seriously the conspiracy to destroy the Palestinian cause, warning against the disgraceful Deal of the Century.

In a meeting with a group of Indian scholars in Qom on Saturday, Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani stated that enemies of Islam are seeking to destroy the Palestinian Cause with the Deal of the Century, saying Muslims must maintain unity against the US-Zionist plot.

He emphasized that sowing the seeds of disunity among Muslims is always on the agenda of enemies, adding that the only way to defeat the enemy is to unite Islamic societies.

Under the terms of the deal, Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank would be legitimized, and the Zionist Regime would annex vast swathes of fertile Palestinian land.

While the plan provides for a sovereign Palestinian state, its capital would be located outside Jerusalem al-Quds, and its security and border policy would be decided by Israel.

Furthermore, the plan recognizes the entirety of al-Quds, including the holy sites on Temple Mount, as Israeli property.

Al-Quds is claimed as a capital city by both Israel and Palestine, and by ceding the city to Israel, the Trump administration likely anticipated its rejection by Abbas and the Arabs.

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