AhlulBayt News Agency

source : IQNA

1 February 2020

3:33:04 PM

Malaysian groups slam ‘deal of century’

Thirty-four Malaysian groups and organizations in a statement voiced opposition to US President Donald Trump’s so-called peace plan for Palestine.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Thirty-four Malaysian groups and organizations in a statement voiced opposition to US President Donald Trump’s so-called peace plan for Palestine.

The statement was released after the organizations held a meeting in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur on Friday to discuss what Trump has called the “deal of the century”.

Read out by Muhammad Azmi Abdul Hamid, president of Majlis-Perundingan Islam Malaysia (MAPIM), the statement said the Trump plan will not only not lead to peace for Palestinians but will be the worst kind of violating their rights, AA reported.

This plan aims to force Palestinians to abandon their legitimate struggle and give up their right to sovereignty and right to return to their land, it said.

The statement also slammed countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain for supporting the plan instead of supporting the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

It called on all Malaysians and others worldwide to voice their protest at the US-Israeli plot.

Washington had announced the plan -- a brainchild of Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner and other key pro-Israeli figures -- years ago, but had withheld the details.

Trump announced the general provisions of the scheme, which he has controversially dubbed “the Deal of the Century,” on Tuesday, with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his side. Palestinian sides were conspicuous by their absence at the ceremony given their vociferous disagreement to the plot.

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