AhlulBayt News Agency

source : Almanar

29 January 2020

1:33:50 PM

Hezbollah lashes out at “treacherous Arab Regimes” over Deal of Century

Hezbollah firmly denounced on Tuesday the US administration’s so-called “Deal of the Century” describing it as the “Deal of Shame”, few hours after US President Donald Trump announced his “peace plan” on the struggle between Palestine and the Zionist entity.

AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Hezbollah firmly denounced on Tuesday the US administration’s so-called “Deal of the Century” describing it as the “Deal of Shame”, few hours after US President Donald Trump announced his “peace plan” on the struggle between Palestine and the Zionist entity.

In a statement, Hezbollah’s Media Relations Office “denounces and firmly rejects the Deal of Shame launched by the brutal administration of Trump at the expense of the Palestinian people, their land, holy sites and legitimate right.”

The Lebanese Resistance movement said the “deal is a very dangerous step that will have grave repercussions on the future of the region and its people.”

“The US administration’s aggression (against Palestinian people) has reached its peak today. After decades of backing the enemy, its occupation, violations and massacres against Arab people, this satanic administration is attempting to quell the historic and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.”

Meanwhile, Hezbollah lashed out at some Arab regimes, stressing that “this deal would not be announced” had it not been for their open and covert collusion.

“The people of our nation who believe in the Palestinian cause won’t pardon those (Arab) rulers who abandoned a long history of martyrs, sufferings and resistance for their frail thrones.”

Hezbollah warned, on the other hand, against the scheme aimed at permanently settling Palestinian refugees.

“The scheme to permanently settle Palestinian refugees as mentioned by the deal is one of the prominent threats that aim at overthrowing the right of Palestinians to return to their land and liquidating the Palestinian cause.”

The announcement of the deal proves that the choice of resistance is the only one to liberate the land and regain the holy sites, Hezbollah said, stressing that all paths of negotiations can’t do so, “but even, they make the enemy ruder and more aggressive.”

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