15th Shaban; Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AS)
“The world will not come to an end,” said the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “ until a man from my family (Ahlulbayt) and of my name shall be master of the world, When you see a green ensign coming from the direction of Khorasan, then join them, for the Imam of God will be with the standards who will be called al-Mahdi.”
5th Shaban: Birth Anniversary of Imam Sajjad (A') (Biography)
'Ali b. al-Husayn b. 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) known as Imam al-Sajjad (a) and Imam Zayn al-'Abidin is son of Imam al-Husayn (a) and the fourth Imam of Shi'a.
4th Shaban Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Abul Fazl Al-Abbas
Hadrat Abul Fazl Abbas (A.S.), the brave and valiant son of Imam Ali (A.S.), the Shining and Radiant Moon of Bani Hashim and the Standard Bearer of Imam Husayn's army in the historical Battle of Karbala who sacrificed his life to safeguard Islam was born in the holy city of Madinah on the 4th day of the month of Shaban in the year 26 Hijrah. On the Auspicious and Solemn occasions of the Birthday Anniversary of "Great Saviors of Islam" We extend our Joyous and Happy Greetings to all the followers and lovers of Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) in the world.
Birth of Imam Hussain on third of Shaban and Related Dua’a
Abu’l-Qasim ibn `Al’ al-Hamadany, the representative of Imam Imam Hassan Askari (a.s), received a document telling that our master, Grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Imam Hussein (a.s), was born on the third of Sha’aban; therefore, you should observe fasting on this day and recite the following supplication:
Celebrating Birth of Imam Hussain
Hussein ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (a s) (Arabic: حسين بن علي بن أﺑﻲ طالب (ع)) (3rd Sha‘bān 4 AH - 10th Muharram 61 AH; 8 January 626 AD - 10 October 680 AD) was the grandson of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad (s a), and the son of ‘Imam Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (a s) first Shia Imām and Hazrat Fātimah Zahra (a s) ,daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s a). Hussein (a s) is an important figure in Islām as he is a member of the Ahlul Bayt, the household of Prophet Muhammad (s a), and Ahlul Kisā, as well as being a Shia Imām, and third Infallibles Imam of Shias.
3rd Shaban; Birthday Anniversary of Imam Hussain
On the third of Sha'ban in the year 4 A.H. (1) the city of Medina witnessed the birth of a boy in the house of Lady Fatimah (PBUH) and Imam Ali (PBUH); he was later nicknamed the "Master of Martyrs."
Imam Hussain in Holy Quran
Imam Hussain (as) is the example for the self-conscious, uncompromising revolutionary, the one who advocated the rights of the oppressed. He is one of the near relatives of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) whom Almighty God orders us to love:
On Birth Anniversary of Imam Hussain;
Role of Imam Hussain in Reviving Islam
On the third day of the blessed month of Sha'ban, the fourth year after Hijrah and a year after the birth of Imam Hasan (A.S.), the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his household) was given the news of the birth of Imam Husain (A.S.). He hurried to the house of Imam Ali and Fatima al-Zahra '.
What non-Muslims, say about Imam Hussain (A')?
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) An English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.....
On Birth Anniversary of Imam Hussain;
150 Maxims of Imam Hussain (A')
150 Maxims of Imam Hussain (A')
Martyrdom Anniversary of 7th Shia Imam "Musa al-Kazim", Biography
Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kazim(A.S.),the Seventh Holy Infallible Imam of the Shiites whose matchless devotion and worship of God has earned him the titles of "Abd-e-Saleh" and "Bab-ul-Hawaij" (The Door to Fulfilling Peoples' Needs).
Lady Fatima’s Knowledge
A woman came to Fatima Zahra (A.S.) and said: `I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it
Tasbih of Lady Fatima
The Tasbeeh of lady Fatima Zahraa (s.a.) is from the emphatically recommended acts of worship in the Islamic Shariat. It has immense significance in the eyes of the infallible Imams (a.s.) and the Shiite jurists. It is a simple act of worship from the aspect of performance; however, its effect, reward and merit are abundant. This can be gauged from the fact that when the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hh) wished to impart this act of worship to his daughter lady Zahraa (s.a.), he declared,
Lady Fatima: The Manifestation of Kawthar
Surah Kawthar is one of the shortest chapters in the Holy Qur’an, yet it is one of the richest ones too. It carries a fountain of knowledge for those who seek to extract its deeper meaning and wisdom. The interpreters of the Qur’an in the different schools of thought in Islam have intentionally presented a multitude of opinions regarding the identity of Kawthar to distance this virtue from its true owner, the Lady of Light (peace be upon her).
Who is Superior: Maryam or Fatima, peace be up on them?
The question of who is superior, Maryam daughter of ‘Imran (sa) or Fatima (sa) daughter of Muhammed S, may be answered by some this way: “Such is useless knowledge. It neither benefits those who know it nor harms those who do not. It is an intellectual luxury item
Immortal, Historic Sermon of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Fatimah (s.a.) could bear no more, for the severe procedures of Abu Bakr against her were very hard and painful. Therefore she decided to announce her proofs and block any way that Abu Bakr might follow to justify his policy. She made a striking speech in the Mosque of the Prophet where she dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s. She proved herself to be the greatest woman that Allah had ever created in the earth with the unique talents, geniuses, wisdom and eloquence she had.
Some Nicknames of Lady Fatima
Allah Almighty gifted Fatima with abundant blessings, and made her the Mother of the Prophet's descendants on whom Allah has bestowed ever - lasting benevolence.
Sayyida Fatima (peace be upon her)
Aisha's saying: "I have not seen a person more similar to the Prophet's appearance, conduct, guidance and speech whether sitting or standing than Fatima.
Ziyarah of Lady Fatima Zahra
"My father said to me: `He who prays on your behalf, Allah, Exalted and Glorified is He, shall forgive him and make him join me wherever I may be in Paradise."
Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra’s Characteristics
Fatimah az-Zahra’ (s.a.) was different from all women in her high qualities and noble characteristics that took her to the highest rank of virtue and perfection. She was an example of her father’s morals and mentality. She resembled him in his deep faith in Allah the Almighty, asceticism, and refraining from pleasures of this life. Here, we talk about some of Fatimah’s characteristics:
Sayyida Fatima’s Duas (Supplications)
Her Du’a on Turning to Allah Fatimah (s.a.) often supplicated Allah with this du’a,“O Allah, by Your knowing of the unseen and Your power over the creation, make me live if You know that life is better to me, and make me die if You know that death is better to me.
Lady Fatima’s Duas on every day of the week
Fatimah (s.a.) supplicated Allah on every day of the week with a special du’a. The following are her du’as of the week days:
Worship of Sayyida Fatimah al Zahra
The happiest times Fatimah (s.a.) had were the times when she communicated with her Lord in prayer. When she offered the prayer, her heart traveled high to the Divine Sphere, and her body shook out of the fear of her Lord.
Sayyida Fatimah al Zahra in Holy Qur’an and Sunnah
By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi Fatimah (s.a.) had been extolled and praised in the Book of Allah and in the Sunna of His prophet. She was one of the shining suns that undertook the mission of Allah and took on the values, principles and aims of Islam. She struggled for the sake of Allah and in the way of Islam until the last breath.
Hadrat Fatimah's Scientific and Intellectual Heritage
Fatimah, the principal of the women of the worlds, (a.s.) was one of the most knowledgeable, faithful, thinking women. Many men and women narrated traditions from her such as; Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam al-Hasan (a.s.), Imam al-Husayn (a.s.), Anass bin Malik, Fatimah bint Imam al-Husayn (a.s.), Umm Rafi’, Aa’isha, Umm Salamah, Salma1. These are some of those who narrated from her what she had heard from her father.
Moral Virtues of Lady Fatimah
In terms of mausoleums, it is something strange with Fatimah (a.s.). While famous personalities such as Sa’di, Hafidh, Avicenna, Shah Jahan and Nur Jahan in Taj Mahal keep a physical presence in the world though the mausoleums associated with them, Lady Fatimah (a.s.) though lacking a shrine, continues to exist physically in the world even after her death. This is really a paradox.
Blessed Necklace of Lady Fatima Zahra
Jabir Ansari has reported: After performing the afternoon Prayer, the Holy Prophet (SAWA) sat in the altar of the mosque, speaking to people. At this time, an old Arab wearing threadbare clothes and unable to stand on his feet entered the mosque. Seeing him, the Holy Prophet (SAWA) consoled him and asked after his health. The old man said, “O Allah’s Messenger! I am hungry; I need food. I am naked; clothe me; I am indigent; give me something.”
Lady Fatima Zahra, Head of the Women of Mankind
Fatima (ع) Daughter of Muhammad (ص): Fatima (615 – 632 A.D.), mother of the Imams (ع), is the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (ص) by his first wife, Khadija daughter of Khuwaylid, may the Almighty be pleased with her. Fatima was born in Mecca on a Friday, the 20th of Jumada II in the fifth year after the declaration of the Prophetic message which corresponds, according to the Christian calendar, to the year 615.