Is pressuring Iran best opportunity for Tehran to change its defense and nuclear doctrine?
In recent months, the behavior and positions of Europe and the United States have shown a completely confrontational policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to Sobh-e-No newspaper, while Iran has repeatedly emphasized that it is seeking to reduce tensions and resolve conflicts, Western parties have not only failed to respond positively to these efforts, but have also continued to increase pressure and threats.
Saddam, Netanyahu and Iranians final move: From tactical victory to strategic defeat
An Iranian analyst believes that Netanyahu's fate is similar to Saddam's.
Why is 13th of Aban called "Student Day" in Iran?
Student Day in Iran falls on 13th of Aban (November 3). The reason for this naming is that it reminds of murdering a number of the students in Tehran who had gathered at the campus of Tehran University in 1978 to protest the Pahlavi regime which was supported by the West.
Struggles of Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
On September 27, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, a steadfast pillar of the Axis of Resistance, was tragically assassinated in a devastating Israeli airstrike targeting the southern suburbs of Beirut.
Who was Abbas Nilforushan, senior IRGC commander martyred with Nasrallah in Beirut?
General Abbas Nilforushan, the Deputy Commander for Operations of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), was martyred in an Israeli airstrike on Friday in Beirut, alongside Hezbollah’s leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the IRGC confirmed in a statement.
Who is Nasrallah, Islamic leader resisted Israel for 30 yrs?
Who is Nasrallah, Islamic leader resisted Israel for 30 yrs? The Chief of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, devoted 3 decades of his life to leading the Resistance Front against the child-killing regime of Israel.
America’s eternal green light to Tel Aviv terrorist gang; From genocide in Gaza to crimes in Lebanon
These days, as the world is approaching the anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and October 7, Gaza has witnessed one of the biggest genocides in human history with more than 42,000 martyrs and over 95,000 injured, 70% of whom are women and children. The Zionist regime has committed this genocide with the definite participation of the United States, and according to American and Israeli officials, its continuation for a year was possible only with the support of the United States.
Where Did Hezbollah Get All the Missiles From?
For 75 years, the Zionist enemy has sought to maintain its security and military superiority. It has armed itself with the latest technologies and weapons, with all Western defensive and offensive warfare systems placed at its disposal. ...
Arbaeen: A counter to orientalist narrative
Over twenty-three years ago, when the 9/11 attacks took place, Americans gathered on the streets of New York, watching in horror as the towers burned. Amidst the crowd, a Zionist woman remarked to a reporter, "This is a great tragedy. I am from Israel, and I hope people now understand what we face daily [in Palestine]".
A valuable understanding is growing among Israelis: We don’t belong to Palestinian land
A prominent Israeli analyst has admitted that Israelis are gradually losing hope in the survival of the Israeli regime.
Iran to vote for new President
After passing through the civilization of more than 3000 years and along with the rainbow of ethnicities and diverse languages and the peaceful life of several thousand years of different big religions such as Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, we have again reached the grand destination of the national decision.
Shiite Sects in Kenya, South Africa
The Kenyan Shiite community which basically originated from Asia is composed of two main Shiite sects: The twelvers (Ithna-asharis) and the Ismailis (Aga khans and Bohora).
Ghadir: A Prescription for Humanity
For Muslims, Eid al-Ghadir is “the greatest Eid determined by God, and it is above all other Eids.” (Sept. 20, 2016) The occurrence of this event in Islamic history is “one of the indisputable events and occurrences.” (Aug. 27, 2021) Furthermore, it “is not an event that only the Shia have narrated..
Emergence and spread of Imam Khomeini's resistance thought from Iran to the world
An Iranian university professor says that the sapling of resistance thought planted by Imam Khomeini has turned into a powerful organization.
A Global Message: Reflecting on the Funeral of Raisi
The funeral of Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi is regarded as a significant and elevated event in Iran, showcasing both national unity and authentic Iranian identity to the world. This ceremony, extensively covered by domestic and international media, not only displayed deep collective emotions but also represented a rational and strategic approach to spiritual and cultural currents, a hallmark of Raisi's influence in highlighting Iran's domestic culture and spiritual aspects.
Ebrahim Raisi’s Vision for the Palestinian Cause
Ebrahim Raisi’s Vision for the Palestinian Cause
Causes of disputes among Muslim families living in West
The Family and social affair department of the Islamic Centre of England was one of the first departments to be set up upon the establishment of the Centre. The department which has gone through substantial transformation since it was first conceived offers a number of services to the Muslim community in the UK.
Perception of a Qur'anic secret that brought success for Iranians/ fruits of steadfastness
The balance of power in the world is not manifested merely with outward pomp and awe and superpower appearance. It is necessary to resist. The Iranian nation, for instance, resisted and triumphed both in the revolution and the events after it.
Sayyed Zulfiqar’s legacy: The military media unit
It’s been eight years since Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine’s passing. His absence has been felt, but his memory is ever present. The well of secrets is still overflowing, and stories are flooding out. Talking about him is characterized by passion that leads one to explore more about his courage, rigor, steadfastness, and accomplishments.
Duties of Husbands towards their Wives, Part 1
Man and woman are the two basic pillars of a family, but since men are endowed with special qualities by the order of creation they are regarded as the guardians of their families.
How does eastern unity challenge American order?
The American magazine "Foreign Affairs", in two articles, has addressed the reason and consequences of the unity among Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
Imam Khomeini, main Leader of struggle against phenomenon of Zionism
The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran resulted in the intensification of anti-Zionist struggles in various aspects and totally changed the course of Palestinians' struggles. The Shah's regime was considered as a powerful ally of the West and Israel in the sensitive region of West Asia. Iran, in the time of the Shah, was the market of exorbitant imports of the Israeli goods and products which would cause the occupying regime's economy to thrive, and on the other side,..
Status of Women in Islam
In the Islamic society the woman has an honoured position and, beside her legal and civil rights, enjoys special respect, love, affection, and the gentle feelings which she deserves most.
Israel: US' rogue project
Billions of dollars of the US budget have been appropriated for creation and bolstering of the Israeli regime's capabilities. The unconditioned US support for the occupying regime, at any cost, is not a strange event. But, on the verge of a regional war with governmental players and resistance groups in West Asia, the United States should ask what must be done to an armed regime that it has created itself, a regime that invades the world; a regime which will eventually imperil the US interests?
Signs of emergence of Axis of Resistance in African Sahel states/ Towards change in world order
The developments in the Sahel region in Africa indicate the decline of the Western hegemony and the increase of the influence of Russia, Iran and China, which is in line with the new world order.
The man who founded Islamic Republic & West Asian resistance/ 14 political views of Imam Khomeini
Imam Khomeini (1902- 1989), Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic before Imam Khamenei, showed that the Islamic jurisprudence and political philosophy, with regards to the time and place [requirements], have the capacity to present new plans for administration of society.
Global war against family
Promotion of sexual models and questioning of chaste lifestyle have turned into inseparable and clear part of many official and non-official institutions in the West.
The Impact of Listening to, Reciting, or Memorizing the Quran on Physical and Mental Health of Muslims: Evidence From Systematic Review
Listening to or memorizing the Quran has been suggested to affect the psychosocial health and well-being of Muslims.